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Study of the Parity Violation Based on the SLEGS ( ) 范功涛 徐望 Ⅰ Background & Motivation Ⅱ Simulation Ⅲ Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Study of the Parity Violation Based on the SLEGS ( ) 范功涛 徐望 Ⅰ Background & Motivation Ⅱ Simulation Ⅲ Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study of the Parity Violation Based on the SLEGS ( ) 范功涛 徐望 Ⅰ Background & Motivation Ⅱ Simulation Ⅲ Summary

2 Background  In 1956 Lee and Yang first order that parity violation in weak inter- action, the next year Wu did the experiment on Co-60, which first found the evidence for PV : Experiment setup by Wu T. D. Lee and C. N. Yang Phys Rev. 104(1956)254 C. S. Wu Phys Rev. 105(1957)1413

3 Other experiments N-N system : Single system : system : GEANT geometry of the experimental setup in Jefferson Lab on

4 About the SLEGS SLEGS is based on SSRF. It can produce gamma ray by Compton back scattering of high energetic electron and laser. The main character of gamma beam depends on the character of electron.

5 Motivation We have well known the parity violation in the weak interaction but the parity violation in the strong interaction is missing. During the study of interaction we will find new aspect for parity violation.

6 About the theory  Hamiltonian:

7 The six vector menson in Gammma-d reaction Some one have pointed that the asymmetry A γ in the cross section for the photodisintegration of deuteron can be described as a function of the incident photon energy. And study carefully in different energy ranges. Takamitsu Oka PRD 27(1983)523 In our energy rang δplay dominate effect so we want to measure the f π. f π has been discussed from different ways. F π Value(10 -7 )Theoretical 4.6B. Desplanques, Ann.Phys.124.449(1980) 1.3V.M.Dubovik, Ann. Phys.172.100(1986) 2.7G.B.Feldman, Phys.Rev.C.43.863(1991) 2B.Desplanques,Phys.Lett.B.512.305(2001) 3E.M.Henley, Phys.Lett.B.440.449(1998) 5D.B.Kaplan, Nucl.Phys.A 556.653(1993)

8 Circular asymmetry and cross section of gamma-d reaction PV in the deuteron photo-disintegration. We show the circular asymmetry for Photons with incident energy for various sets of weak menson-nuclear couplings. The deuteron photodisintegration cross section ULF-G.MEIBNER Modenern Physics Letters A, 22(1990)1703 R. Schiavilla PRC, 72(2005)034001

9 The character of photons on SLEGS The luminous flux of photons on SLEGS The character of photons on SLEGS We simulate the γd reaction based on SLEGS.These two graphs describe the characters of the photons of SLEGS.

10 Simulation

11 The simulation of the luminous flux We simulate the requirement of the luminous flux, using the 50cm length liquid deuteron target and the using two mouth reaction time. The gray band is the rang of the total photon flux which the future SLEGS can possibly attain.

12 Experiment setup W. Gou Nucl. Instr. And Meth. A578(2007)457-462 γ ray source Experiment setup of detector and target γray beam Target Acceptance50cm Theta Acceptance: △ θ 130 o -180 o Phi Acceptance: △ φ 70%of 2π Solid Angle Acceptance: △ Ω 1.0 Sr Target and detector’s paramaters we explain to set up.

13 summary  Gamma ray can be produced by Compton back-scattering of high energetic electron and laser. The main characteristic of gamma ray beam depends on the characteristics of electron beam can be polarized and homo-chromous. So we turn our attention to another two nucleon system, namely the deuteron. In particular, we will present a simple estimate of the circulating asymmetry in the reaction with left or right circularly polarized photons of the SLEGS


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