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Reproductive System Sexual Reproduction ► Involves the production of eggs by the female and sperm by the male ► Eggs and sperm contain half (haploid)

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2 Reproductive System

3 Sexual Reproduction ► Involves the production of eggs by the female and sperm by the male ► Eggs and sperm contain half (haploid) the genetic material of a normal human body cell ► Joining of the egg and sperm is known as fertilization ► A fertilized egg is called a zygote

4 Male Reproductive System

5 StructureFunction Penis Male reproductive muscle Testes Male reproductive organ that produces sperm Seminal vesicle Structure that produces semen to carry the sperm Vas deferens Tube connecting the testes and seminal vesicle Semen Fluid that carries and nourishes sperm Testosterone Hormone controlling male development

6 Female Reproductive System

7 StructureFunction Uterus Hollow muscular organ; chamber for developing embryo Ovary Female reproductive organ that produces eggs Fallopian Tube Tube leading from the ovaries to the uterus Cervix Openning to the uterus Vagina Muscular passageway leading to the outside of the body Estrogen Hormone controlling female development and preparation for the development of an embryo

8 Reproductive System Reproductive Cycle ► Both male and female reproductive cycles are controlled by hormones ► Levels of four hormones LH, FSH, estrogen and progesterone control the release of eggs ► The release of the egg is known as ovulation ► If an egg is not fertilized the lining of the uterus (endometrium) will be removed and the cycle will start again ► Testosterone controls the production of sperm

9 Reproductive Hormones

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