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Seafood Hub A new Industry is born Presented by Sachin Mohabeer 11 March 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Seafood Hub A new Industry is born Presented by Sachin Mohabeer 11 March 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Seafood Hub A new Industry is born Presented by Sachin Mohabeer 11 March 2006

2 Succinct Outlook Mauritius is within IO Tuna Belt : FAO Area 51 Mauritius EEZ = 1.9million km2 Increased catches of major tuna species (YN, SJ, BE) in Indian Ocean IO due to increased deployment of European PS Fleets. Increased catches of Albacore (Temperate areas of IO)

3 Succinct Outlook YN, SJ & BE Albacore

4 Evolution of Traffic CY 2000 – 2005

5 Evolution of Fish Traffic Fishing vessel calls

6 Canning/Processing Industry Canning/Processing Industry Traffic increased from 36,930 tonnes in 2004 to 61,907 tonnes in 2005 – (+ 67.6%) Traffic increased from 36,930 tonnes in 2004 to 61,907 tonnes in 2005 – (+ 67.6%) Princes Tuna : 47,324 tonnes (+28 %) Princes Tuna : 47,324 tonnes (+28 %) Thon des Mascareignes :14,583 tonnes(2005) Thon des Mascareignes :14,583 tonnes(2005) Expected tonnage for 2006 : +100,000 tonnes Expected tonnage for 2006 : +100,000 tonnes Trend Analysis

7 3. Cold Warehouses (1997) 4. Reefer Carriers (1998) 5. Ancillary Facilities (2001) Seafood Hub Concept (2004) 6. Fishing Repair Yard (2003) 2. Warehousing facilities (1995) 1. Commercial Free Zone(1992) Blue Industry (2006) Seafood Hub- Seeds sown in 1992

8 Development of the Seafood Hub – Seeds sown in 1992 3. Cold Warehouses (1997) 4. Reefer Carriers (1998) 5. Ancillary Facilities (2001) Seafood concept (2004) 5. Fishing Repair Yard (2003) 2. Warehousing facilities (1995) Commercial Free Zone(1992) Blue Industry (2006)

9 Our Core Competencies –Strategic location (cross-roads to trade routes among 4 continents – Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia) –An attractive investment location –One Stop Shop and Electronic Platform –World Class Infrastructure for seafood –Modern, Efficient and Business Friendly Port –Excellent ancillary seafood related services –Preferential Market Access

10 Government strategy not based on tuna related species only oAquaculture forms part of seafood development agenda oFish of various sizes- Red drums from 400 grams to 4 Kg and more… oGueule Pavées from 400 grams to 750 grams…

11 THANK YOU … Questions & Answers

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