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I Quit: Part 3 Quit Dying to the Wrong Things: Choose Delight Genesis 1:1-4;26-31.

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Presentation on theme: "I Quit: Part 3 Quit Dying to the Wrong Things: Choose Delight Genesis 1:1-4;26-31."— Presentation transcript:

1 I Quit: Part 3 Quit Dying to the Wrong Things: Choose Delight Genesis 1:1-4;26-31

2 Quit

3 I Quit: Part 3 Quit Dying to the Wrong Things: Choose Delight Genesis 1:1-4;26-31

4 Quit Dying to the Wrong Things: Choose Delight Genesis 1:1-4;26-31 2 Truths: The World is Good (and Flawed) Then God saw everything that He had made; and indeed it was very good. 1:31

5 The Invisible is Made Visible through the Physical

6 2 Truths: The World is Good and Flawed Human Persons are Good and Flawed

7 Quit Dying to the Wrong Things Applications: Nurture the good seeds within you --Notice the things that delight you (daily).

8 “We will much sooner tire of receiving His gifts than He of giving them…This is a striking image of a God whose desire to give is so great that it exceeds our human capacity to receive.” Ignatius of Loyola (16 th century)

9 Quit Dying to the Wrong Things Applications: Nurture the good seeds within you --Notice the things that delight you (daily). --Express your preferences (daily)

10 Quit Dying to the Wrong Things Applications: Nurture the good seeds within you --Notice the things that delight you (daily). --Express your preferences (daily) --Pay attention to your gifts and limits (daily)

11 Quit Dying to the Wrong Things Applications: Nurture the good seeds within you Die to the bad seeds (Sinful parts)

12 Questions to Ponder: How can you nurture the good seeds inside you this coming week? What might be a sinful part inside you God is calling you to die to?

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