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Date: October 27, 2015 Aim #21: What functions do proteins serve to living organisms? HW: 1) Castle Learning 2)Guided Reading 2-3 due day of test 3)Biochemistry.

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Presentation on theme: "Date: October 27, 2015 Aim #21: What functions do proteins serve to living organisms? HW: 1) Castle Learning 2)Guided Reading 2-3 due day of test 3)Biochemistry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Date: October 27, 2015 Aim #21: What functions do proteins serve to living organisms? HW: 1) Castle Learning 2)Guided Reading 2-3 due day of test 3)Biochemistry Test- Thursday 10/29 & Friday 10/30 (day of double period) 4)Quarterly Exam- next Thursday 11/5 & Friday 11/6 (day of double period) Do Now: Warm-Up Notebook DateTitle of Activity Page # 10/27Lipids36

2 What is another category of organic molecules? Proteins

3 1) Proteins have many functions: Proteins are enzymes, found in cell membrane, make up antibodies, and much more

4 2) What are the building blocks of proteins? Proteins are made up of polymers of amino acids Each amino acid monomer, consists of a central carbon atom bonded to 4 partners.

5 3) The four parts of an amino acid: 1)Backbone- the carbon hydrogen bond 2)Carboxyl Group (COOH)- a group with acidic properties. 3) Amine Group (NH 2 )- a group with basic properties 4) R-Group- distinguishes one amino acid from another (there are 20 R-groups & 20 amino acids)

6 4) What are Functional Groups: Carboxyl groups and amino groups are classified as Functional Groups. Functional Groups are groups of atoms that interact with other atoms/molecules in predictable ways

7 5) How many amino acids are there? There are only 20 amino acids, but there are millions of different types of proteins.

8 6) How do we build proteins? The functional groups of proteins interact with each other to form polymers of amino acids (proteins). Dehydration Synthesis A PEPTIDE BOND is formed

9 7) What are Polypeptides? Polypeptides are chains of amino acids Proteins are long chains of polypeptides

10 8) What determines protein shape? 1)The sequence (order) of amino acids in a protein determine its shape 2) The shape of a protein determines its activity

11 9) What are the four levels of protein structure? a)Primary Structure- sequence of amino acids b)Secondary Structure- coiling or folding of polypeptide chain due to hydrogen bonding c)Tertiary Structure- 3-D structure of polypeptide chain secured by several different interactions d)Quaternary Structure- consists of more than one amino acid chain

12 10) What does Denaturation mean? An unfavorable change in temperature, pH, or some other quality of the environment can cause a protein to unravel and lose its normal shape Denatured proteins do not function properly!

13 11) What are types of proteins in our bodies? a)Antibodies- defend body against disease

14 11) What are types of proteins in our bodies? b)Collagen-most abundant protein in mammals –Main component of connective tissue –Supports most tissues and gives cell structure from the outside –Main component of cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bones, and teeth –Gives skin strength and elasticity –Strengthens blood vessels –Used in cosmetic surgery and burn treatment

15 11) What are types of proteins in our bodies? c)Hemoglobin- carries oxygen in our blood

16 11) What are types of proteins in our bodies? d) Cell Receptors- involved in cell communication

17 11) What are types of proteins in our bodies? e) Enzymes- control metabolic activities

18 11) What types of proteins are in our bodies? f)Hormones Example: –insulin-decreases blood sugar level by making cells take in glucose

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