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2. The Oldest population in the territory of Ukraine and its culture.

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1 2. The Oldest population in the territory of Ukraine and its culture











12  The Polianians were the largest and most developed  their prince Kyi founded the city of Kyiv in the 6th century  the first Varangian rulers of Rus’ were Askol and Dyr  In 882 they were killed by Prince Oleh  Oleh laid the foundation for the powerful state of Kievan Rus  Oleg was supreme ruler of the Rus from 882 to 912

13  Oleh’s son Prince Ihor followed him  after Igor's death, his wife Olha ruled Kievan Rus as regent for their son, Svyatoslav  she was the first Rus ruler to convert to Christianity, either in 945 or in 957.  the reign of Sviatoslav I Ihorovych (962–72) was marked by warfare.  in 980, Prince Volodymyr unified the country he adopted Christianity in 988 he converted the population into Christianity in history he is known as Volodymyr the Great or Saint Volodymyr



16  Yaroslav the Great : promoted family ties with other kingdoms built many churches improved Kyiv's fortifications introduced laws and established courts was a patron of book culture and learning sponsored the construction of the Saint Sophia Cathedral in 1037




20  after death of Monomakh in 1125 Ukraine remained fragmented into the numerous principalities  Kyiv lost it's power and influence  the invasion of the Mongols in 1236–40 finally destroyed the state





25  Danylo was succeeded by his son Lev moved the capital to Lviv in 1272 maintained the strength of Galicia–Volhynia worked closely with the Mongols  Yuriy I lost Lublin to the Poles and Transcarpathia to the Hungarians  Yuriy’s sons died together in 1323  the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania divided up Galicia-Volhynia between them




29  1. Декларація про державний суверенітет України. Прийнята Верховною Радою Української РСР 16 липня 1990 року. - К. 1991.  2. Акт проголошення незалежності України, прийнятий Верховною Радою України 24 серпня 1991 року. - К. 1991.  3. Конституція України. Прийнята на п'ятій сесії Верховної Ради України 28 червня 1996 року. - К. 1996.  4. Крип'якевич І. П. Історія України. - Львів, 1990.  5. Полонська-Василенко Н. Історія України. Т. 1-2.-К. 1992.  6. Andrew Wilson. The Ukrainians: Unexpected Nation. Yale University Press; 2nd edition (2002).Andrew Wilson  7. Anna Reid. Borderland: A Journey Through the History of Ukraine. London, Orion Books; 4th impression (1998, preface 2003).  8. Mykhailo Hrushevsky. History of Ukraine-Rus’ in 9 volumes.Mykhailo Hrushevsky  9. Orest Subtelny. Ukraine: A History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (1988).Subtelny  10. Paul Robert Magocsi. A History of Ukraine. Toronto: University of Toronto Press (1996).

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