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Computer printouts and fax

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1 Computer printouts and fax
Compare markings on a QD to an exemplar Transitory patterns may arise from debris and other materials TTI- tranmitting terminal identifier- on top of each fax page is in a different font determined by the sending machine and type set from text. Alterations detected if TTIs reveal significant characteristics distinguish it from genuine TTI TTIs number of characters, style, position in the header can all be evaluated through comparison to a collection of TTI font database maintained by the ASQDE

2 Differences Observed in Fax Lettering as Wear Increases

3 Class characteristics of printouts
Printing technology, type of paper and toner Toner chemical composition Type of toner to paper fusing method Microscopic and ID of organic and inorganic components of toner Results compared to databases on types of machines Narrow down to manageable number for subsequent comparison to exemplar printouts

4 Model determination based on printouts
Requires extensive analysis of printer tech and type of ink used Impact or non impact printers Non-impact include ink-jet and laser printers Impact type include thermal and dot matrix printers All have characteristic ways of printing with shapes, toner differentiation and applications easily determined with low power microscope to narrow possibility of model type

5 Alterations, Erasures and Obliterations
Common erasures include india rubber eraser, sandpaper, razor blade or knife obliterations Disturbance of upper layer of fibers on paper detected with microscopy using direct or oblique lighting Chemical erasures use oxidizing agents on ink – detected by discoloration on treated area UV or IR can reveal chemically treated portion

6 Infrared luminescence
Some inks reradiate IR known as IR luminescence Differences in the luminexcent properties of the inks observed if altered Can also be used to reveal writing that has been erased as invisible residues of writing may remain in paper Also differences exist in ability of inks to absorb IR. Distinguish inks of dissimilar chemical composition

7 Obliteration Intentional obliteration - overwriting or crossing out : seldom used for fraudulent purposes as it is obvious Same ink- difficult to tell from original If two inks are different photo with IR sensitive filme may reveal the original writing.

8 IR Device Used for Questioned Document Analysis

9 IR photographic detection of obliteration

10 White Out Obliteration

11 Case File: Obliterated Address
Top image: normal lighting Middle image: reflected infrared Bottom image: infrared luminescence In this case example, the different spectral properties of the inked typewriter ribbon and the pen ink are exploited using infrared filters and various types of incident illumination. TOP: normal light; shows pen ink was used to obliterate name and address and add a new name/address MIDDLE: by using an IR filter, the pen ink is transparent and the original info is visible BOTTOM: using blue light as the incident light on the address, the pen ink fluoresces and you can see the ribbon ink at the same time

12 Charred documents IR photography useful in revealing contents of charred documents Oblique lighting can also be used to contrast the writing vs charred background

13 Detection of charred document contents using oblique lighting

14 Digital image enhancement
Visual quality of digital picture is improved or enhanced Digitizing- image is stored into memory by scanning an image with flatbed or digital camera and converting the image into digital intensity values called pixels (picture elements) Image editors (Adobe photoshop) used to adjust contrast, color, etc.

15 Digital image enhancement using Adobe Photoshop screen and exclusion

16 Indented writings Partially visible depressions appearing on a sheet of paper underneath the one on which the visible writing was done Depressions due to application of pressure on the writing instrument and appear as a carbon copy of a sheet if carbon paper had been inserted Like my check book

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