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Clustering Solutions FINAL Exploratory Run Full 10’ Resolution – 41,311 samples Michael A. Lindgren EWHALE Laboratory Institute of Arctic Biology University.

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Presentation on theme: "Clustering Solutions FINAL Exploratory Run Full 10’ Resolution – 41,311 samples Michael A. Lindgren EWHALE Laboratory Institute of Arctic Biology University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clustering Solutions FINAL Exploratory Run Full 10’ Resolution – 41,311 samples Michael A. Lindgren EWHALE Laboratory Institute of Arctic Biology University of Alaska Fairbanks February 11, 2011

2 About This Run… This “FINAL” exploratory run, refers to the decision of which clustering level the group will choose for the final Biome Shift Analysis. I was able to modify the R code to pass a very large proximity matrix created in RandomForests to the PAM clustering algorithm, where all 10’ resolution samples were included. The clustering levels I am showing for at least the preliminary decision making about the optimal number are 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, & 30. Also included are silhouette plots for each cluster level.

3 The silhouette value for each point is a measure of how similar that point is to points in its own cluster compared to points in other clusters, and ranges from -1 to +1. It is defined as: S(i) = (min(b(i,:),2) - a(i))./ max(a(i),min(b(i,:))) where a(i) is the average distance from the i th point to the other points in its cluster, and b(i,k) is the average distance from the i th point to points in another cluster k. *From MathWorks website, developers of Matlab.  See document I have attached with this Presentation, which discusses the Silhouette Plots as a metric of deciding when an acceptable cluster solution is achieved. Silhouette Plots


5 5 Clusters Returned



8 10 Clusters Returned



11 15 Clusters Returned



14 20 Clusters Returned



17 25 Clusters Returned



20 30 Clusters Returned



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