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INFORMATION RETRIEVAL PROJECT Creation of clusters of concepts that represent a domain corpus.

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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION RETRIEVAL PROJECT Creation of clusters of concepts that represent a domain corpus."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL PROJECT Creation of clusters of concepts that represent a domain corpus.

2 Background Vector Space Model. Knowledge-Based Vector Space Model. Wikipedia as a knowledge domain. BOW indexing versus knowledge-based indexing. Indexing Wikipedia. Wikipedia-based concept clustering

3 Knowledge-based VSM for text Clustering Problem Definition: Creating clusters of related concepts, each cluster represents a specific knowledge domain. Creation of The knowledge-based Vectors for documents in a given corpus based on term similarity measures in each document.

4 Given: Wikipedia index. Working Code for Knowledge-based corpus indexes. Working code to define term-term relatedness weight. Working Similarity code “To extract a similar document to an existing one from Wikipedia”. Algorithm for Document Clustering based on the Wikipedia structure”.

5 Email me @

6 Required To implement: Building a knowledge-based VSM Index for documents in two different domain corpuses using the term similarity code given. Implementation of the Wikipedia Structure-based given clustering Algorithm.

7 Tools that will be used Wikipedia Database Dumps. (MySql Database). JWPL API to access the Wikipedia database dumps. Lucene API to build indexes. Assistance and codes will be provided to help using the APIs

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