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Problems in the Workplace Tile Slide: Problems In The Workplace.

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1 Problems in the Workplace Tile Slide: Problems In The Workplace

2 Problems in the Workplace
The Importance of Work External Problems We Face in the Work Environment Internal Problems We Face in the Work Environment Overcoming These Problems . . . Problems in the Workplace—An Overview of our study…

3 The Importance of Work From the beginning – Genesis 2:15
Hardship after sin – Genesis 3:19 REQUIRED of the ABLE – (laziness is condemned!) Proverbs 6:6-11; Thessalonians 3:10 Overcoming Problems at Work . . .The Importance of work. In the beginning, work was given by God for a blessing—Gen.2:15. After Adam’s sin, It became a hardship—a consequence given to man by God—Gen.3:19. God requires that those who are able work! (Prov.6:6-11; 2 Thess.3:10) The Scriptures clearly condemn laziness.

4 The Importance of Work For our own good – Ecclesiastes 5:19
In order to help others – Ephesians 4:28 Should be good workers –Ephesians 6: Colossians 3:22,23 Overcoming Problems at Work . . .The Importance of work. For our own good—Eccl.3:19; 2 Thess.2:11. In order to help other—Eph.4:28. Should be good workers as examples to others—the best employees! Eph.6:5-8; Col.3:22,23.

5 External Problems We Face in the Work Environment
Business - not morals! 1 Peter 2: Acts 16:16-19 Pressure to do evil – not good! Daniel 3:15; 6: Corinthians 15:33 External Problems We Face in the Work Environment. Business—not morals: 1 Pet.2:18-22 Suffering for the sake of righteousness is honorable and commendable. We must not permit the morals of the business to change our convictions! Pressure to do evil instead of good! Dan.3:15; 6:1-28 Daniel remained faithful during his captivity. Evil companions can corrupt our character—1 Cor.15:33. We must stand our ground and do what is right!

6 External Problems We Face in the Work Environment
“Dog-eat-dog” – not a team of members! Philippians 3: Jude 1:16 Denominational error – not truth! Corinthians 11: Colossians 2:4-8, Matthew 23:2 External Problems We face in the Work Environment. “Dog-eat-dog”—Not a team of members! Looking out for #1 at the expense of the others! Phil.3:18-20; Jude 1:16. Denominational error discussed as if it is truth, instead of the error it is! 2 Cor.11:3 (women’s role); Col.2:4-8 (empty philosophy); Col. 2:18 (false worship); Matt.23:2 (false authority)

7 Internal Problems We Face in the Work Environment
Temptation to behave like the ungodly – Proverbs 1: Ephesians 5: Peter 4: Titus 2:9,10 Overcoming Problems at Work . . . Temptation to behave like the ungodly, Allowing the world to influence us instead of us influencing them. Read: Prov.1:10-17. Eph.5:1-17. Christians must set higher standards. 1 Pet.4:2-6— the world thinks it is strange when we have different standards than they do! Titus 2:9,10—we must live above the behavior of the ungodly world.

8 Internal Problems We Face in the Work Environment
Sexual perversion (adultery, filthy language, pornography) Intemperance (going to bars, drinking, drugs, gambling) Engaging in sinful work Overcoming Problems at Work . . . Temptation to behave like the ungodly Allowing the world to influence us instead of us influencing them! Explain the chart…

9 Internal Problems We Face in the Work Environment
Lazy and undependable Greedy/covetous Stealing /cheating Gossiping/backstabbing, etc. Overcoming Problems at Work . . . Internal problems We Face in the Work Environment Lazy and undependable. Greedy/covetous. Stealing/cheating. Gossiping/backstabbing. Such works are examples of men who have not chosen to retain God in their thinking! Rom.1:28-32; Matt.6:19-21; Eph.4:29-31.

10 Internal Problems We Face in the Work Environment
Other REAL problems with which Christians deal: Responding with meekness to persecution and hardship Timothy 3: Proverbs 15:1 Internal Problems We Face in the Work Environment: Other REAL problems with which Christians deal: Responding with meekness to persecution and hardship. 2 Tim.3:12—persecution will come. Prov.15:1—a soft answer turneth away wrath. Hebrews 12:3 (NKJV) For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.

11 Internal Problems We Face in the Work Environment
Returning good for evil. Romans 12:17-21 Weariness and discouragement Galatians 6: Thessalonians 3:13 Hebrews 12:3 Internal Problems We Face in the Work Environment: Other REAL problems with which Christians deal Returning good for evil (Rom.12:17-21). Weathering the storms of weariness and discouragement (Gal.6:9; 2 Thess.3:13; Heb.12:3).

12 Overcoming These Problems
We cannot compartmentalize our lives. (Colossians 3:17-23) Do our best. (Ecclesiastes 9:10) Speak with grace, seasoned with salt. (Ephesians 4:29; 5:4; Colossians 4:6) Overcoming These Problems at Work . . . We cannot compartmentalize our lives—Col.3: Our conduct at work must be what it always is—a Christian in every regard! We must do our best—Eccl.9:10. God does not expect what we do not have ability to do—2 Cor.8:12. Speak with grace, seasoned with salt—Eph.4:29; 5:4; Col.4:6. Words must be thought through and chosen carefully!

13 Overcoming These Problems
Mind your own business Thessalonians 4:11,12 Grow spiritually Peter 1:5-11 Set a good example Matthew 5: Philippians 1: Peter 2: Acts 5:29 Overcoming These Problems at Work . . . Mind your own business—2 Thess.4:11,12. Grow spiritually—2 Pet.1:5-11. Set a good example by being a Christian—Matt.5:13-16; Phil.1:27; 1 Pet.2:12; Acts 5:29 (read the passages; offer comments)

14 Overcoming These Problems
Attend faithfully Hebrews 10:24,25 Pray for yourself and your fellow workers Timothy 2: James 5:13 Look for opportunities to teach God’s word Matthew 10: Timothy 2:2 Colossians 4:5 Overcoming These Problems at Work . . . Be faithful in my attendance and service—Heb.10:24,25. Pray for yourself and your fellow workers—1 Tim.2:1-4; Jam.5:13. Look for opportunities to teach God’s word—Matt.10:16; 2 Tim.2:2.

15 Problems in the Workplace
Work is important. External forces will be working against us. Internal forces will want us to compromise. We CAN overcome these problems. Summary—Invitation…

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