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Next Generation Science Standards –

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1 Next Generation Science Standards –
What Is Important? Marcia Torgrude –

2 Objectives The workshop will focus on:
A review of the NGSS/Wyoming Science Standards Crosswalk Finding gaps and overlaps through the NGSS Progressions The 3-Dimensions found within the Framework Science and Engineering Practices Crosscutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas 8:30 Just for trainer reference. Do not read to participants. Build a deep understanding of the science and engineering practices from the framework. Explore the crosscutting concepts from the framework. Familiarize themselves with both the conceptual shifts, and K-12 learning progression of the disciplinary core ideas used in the draft South Dakota Science Standards Recognize that the vision for science performances in the draft South Dakota Science Standards occurs at the intersection of the practices, crosscutting concepts and disciplinary core ideas. Provide the opportunity to establish a network that will support their professional growth

3 Essential Questions What is a student science performance?
How can teachers know they are teaching to the standards with a science performance? What instructional strategies would teachers use to engage students in science performances?

4 A review of the NGSS/Wyoming Science Standards Crosswalk
Your work thus far – Lander Livebinder: The DCI (Disciplinary Core Ideas) progressions How does your document crosswalk with the DCI progressions? What is overlapping? What are the gaps? What are your next steps? Refresh on how the decisions were made for the markings in the document Get the NGSS Progressions Work in pairs to determine if you have appropriately marked or not marked the Lander document. Discuss questions Take to next two slides to dig even deeper.

5 Framework Progressions
Think about your lessons that you already have in place to implement the NGSS as we move to the shift 3-D Student Performances. Look at chapter 5 physical sciences – go to the area that gives the explanation of what should be happening at each grade level. Have the teachers use this as they reflect on their curriculum guide.

6 Tracking Your Teaching and Learning
You might consider using this tool for the coming year to track what you have explicitly taught and tested so it will help you find your gaps later. I have also developed an analysis diary that you may find beneficial.

7 Gap Analysis Diary

8 Conceptual Shift Teaching science facts 3-D student performance
As you think about how you are approaching the teaching and learning of the next generation science standards, lets focus on the shift to 3-D student performances Our instructional strategies will need to incorporate the Core Ideas into the other two dimensions. Effective science learning will require students to be performing in all three dimensions with the Core Ideas now infused with the other two dimensions. In your journal draw this image and What are you wondering? Old way- (left) teacher focused New way- (right) student focused

9 So today I will be highlighting each of the 3 dimensions to bring them together for the new outcome for science instruction of 3D student performances.

10 Science Performance Water condensing on the outside of a water bottle is a phenomenon! Consider how (mechanism of how this happens) Practices Asking Questions Constructing Explanations Supported by Evidence Developing Arguments Supported by Evidence Note: if humidity is low, please fill cup with ice in non-insulated cup. You may have to breathe on it. It would be best if you saw this happening on a participants drink.) You encounter this everyday! It is a PHENOMENON! Synonyms of phenomenon: occurrence, event, case, episode, incidence… This means we want to engage students in cause and effect relationships. Science is about answer questions like, “how does this happen?” and “what CAUSED this to occur?” If it doesn’t have a cause, it’s not science… it’s magic! When I ask you to try to explain, you are bringing in observations and connecting them to CORE IDEAS to create an evidence-based explanation. Turn to your neighbor and talk about how condensation occurs – (phase change and energy). Specific questions to ask the teachers – What do you observe? What caused it? What does condensation mean(when someone mentions the term?) Share out with the room and argue from evidence! If there are any differences in explanations, try to bring them together and compare/contrast to come to a consensus. If I am engaging in this as a student: The student would describe the elements of this system and bring in the core ideas he or she knows to identify the cause of this phenomenon. The student also may know or eventually be able to infer that water can exists in different phases, temperature change effects the phases of water. Who is constructing this explanation here? It’s me as the facilitator, since I haven’t really set any performance expectations for you as participants… Think about the bottle. When you touch it, it feels wet. It’s a phenomena. When we engage students in science, we want them to make sense of the phenomena. SHARE: model what a student needs to do in science Past experiences Understandings/things you learned from school Understandings from outside This performance has three elements: Core Ideas (matter is made of particles, matter changes state, energy), Practices (ask questions, construct explanations), and Crosscutting Concepts (cause and effect) Core Ideas: Matter is made of particles. Air is made of particles. Some of the particles in the air are water molecules. At the elementary level, we don’t need to know they are water molecules, just particles. Students need to be able to construct an explanation for the phenomena about it is a performance we want students to be able to do. What happens when a water particle in the air comes into contact with a cold surface? Matter changes state. When someone answers condensation, ask, what do we mean by that? We use the word condensation to describe …. Energy. This system is absorbing energy. Crosscutting Concepts: Cause and Effect. What caused that? That should be one of the first questions students ask. Cause and effect is a crosscutting concept. As students engage in performances and construct explanations for the phenomenon, they begin to ask more questions …as they encounter new phenomena. Example of touching the carpet and compare it to touching the metal on the chair. What do you feel? They are the same temperature. Why does one feel colder? You are not feeling the temperature, they are both the same temperature. What you are feeling? You didn’t feel cold, you felt the rate of transfer of energy. Transition to next slide: Where does the evidence come from? Evidence comes from past experiences with phenomena. Using analogies from other concepts helps understanding of new phenomena. What other evidence? Experience is one line of evidence. Observations are other uses of evidence. Core ideas are not the outcome of instruction, core ideas are the tools we use as evidence to support our explanations.

11 Science and Engineering Practices
Disciplinary Core Ideas 3D Student Performance (outcome of science instruction) Crosscutting Concepts The outcome used to be “Core Idea” Now “Core Idea” is one of 3 dimensions that play a role in student performance in science. *Draw attention to Practices Handout. This tool will be used later after we learn a bit about each dimension. We will be integrating the 3 Dimensions to identify a student performance. It’s not enough to learn the content or “Core Ideas.” The shift is actually using/applying the “Core Ideas” to construct explanations of novel phenomena. Conceptual Shift #4 (deeper understanding of content and application of)

12 Practices-Jigsaw Number off 1-8 Partners: 1 and 4, 2 and 5, 3 and 6, 4 and 8 You will be creating two posters – for the practices aligned with your number. Count 1-8 and read introduction/assigned practice – Second one on the left Share understanding

13 Practices-Jigsaw Your group is responsible for answering questions for your assigned practice on a piece of chart paper. Write your practice on your paper. What does this practice mean? In your own words. What instructional strategies might be used to engage in this practice? Post on the wall. Hand each group a piece of chart paper and place markers on table. If there is enough time, have the participants do a gallery walk and take notes. FACILITATOR: Throughout all discussion and work, make sure to differentiate between Student Practice and Teacher Instructional Strategy. Emphasize the practices are what STUDENTS should be doing. Discussion Note: Ensure participants share how the practice was used in the science performance with the Water Phenomenon.

14 Practices-Jigsaw GALLERY WALK Each pair will present their practice. Take notes in your notebooks for each practice. When you return from lunch, the expectation is that you will be ready to present. Participants need to take notes on each practice. Discussion Note: Ensure participants share how the practice was used in the science performance with the Sham-Wow. #1 ?s—who asks, teacher or student? How do you set up a phenomena where students will ask questions? #3 – Investigation vs Experimentation (All experiments are investigations, but not all investigations are experiments) #6 – When constructing explanations and designing solutions, “Participants constructed a range of theories that explained the phenomenon”…really should be hypothesis. Use of the word “theory” should be used sparingly. Common use of theory is different than a theory in science. Theory of plate tectonics, theory of evolution. Everyday use of “theory” should really be a “hypothesis.” What is the relationship between #6 and #7? Constructing Explanations and Engaging in Argument? The argument from evidence is the best evidence for constructing explanations.

15 Similarities and Differences
Scientific Inquiry Engineering Design Ask a question Define a problem Obtain, evaluate and communicate technical information Plan investigations Plan designs and tests Develop and use models Design and conduct tests of experiments or models Design and conduct tests of prototypes or models Analyze and interpret data Use mathematics and computational thinking Construct explanations using evidence Design solutions using evidence Engage in argument using evidence 9:30-9:35– We engaged in science in the morning and now we are going to engage in both science and engineering. When we compare these practices there are clear places where engineering differs from science, but across all the outcome build upon one another. Science – How does this happen? Engineering – How can this change? What differences do you see in the chart? What similarities? Ask a question - What makes the flag move on the flag pole? Define a Problem - The flag pole is tipped. How do you fix it? Walk through the 3 boxes. How does snow form? Inquiry – what is the most effective form of snow removal? Define a problem Engineering was part of performance 1 this morning Applying things they see in nature Were designing and testing new models Phenomena can be pictures of the real world Adapted from A Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC, 2011)

16 Making Sense of Practices
Gather Reason Communicate Obtain Information Ask Questions/Define Problems Plan & Carry Out Investigations Use Models to Gather Data Use Mathematics & Computational Thinking Evaluate Information Analyze Data Use Mathematics and Computational Thinking Develop Arguments from Evidence Construct Explanations/Solve Problems Use Models to Predict & Develop Evidence The 8 practices condensed to three aspects – partner talk – how does this help make sense of the practices? This is not a official document, but a way to look at trying to make sense of how or why students could engage in these practices at certain stages of instruction. Scientists and Engineers also engage in these three phases. Professional development must provide teachers with a way to engage student is all aspects of science. The practice may be organized in a way that moves student engagement from Gathering Information to Reasoning about phenomena and on to Communicating the ideas and concepts. “Thinking is hard work…that is why very few people engage in it” –Henry Ford Using models at all three stages: can you think of an example of each? How many different ways are there to model? Note: We use models in the classroom primarily to communicate. How do we gather and reason, using models? Where does instruction typically spend the most time? The majority of time is spent with students gathering information. Communicate Information Argue from Evidence (written & oral) Use Models to Communicate

17 Crosscutting Concepts
Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas 3D Student Performance (outcome of science instruction) Crosscutting Concepts We will focus on individual dimensions. All dimensions will be present in all performances. However, we will only be featuring one.* Hammer this idea. This tool will be used later after we learn a bit about each dimension. We will be integrating the 3 Dimensions to identify a student performance. It’s not enough to learn the content or “Core Ideas.” The shift is actually using/applying the “Core Ideas” to construct explanations of novel phenomena. Conceptual Shift #4 (deeper understanding of content and application of)

18 Crosscutting Concepts
Patterns Cause and Effect Scale, Proportion, and Quantity Structure and Function Systems and System Models Matter and Energy Stability and Change Read and highlight the first page of Appendix G Read columns on pages related to middle and high school. How do these crosscutting concepts intersect with the engineering practices? What crosscutting concepts was I focused on with the water phenomenon? Turn and talk –

19 Crosscutting Concepts
How do these crosscutting concepts intersect with the engineering practices? What crosscutting concepts was I focused on with the water phenomenon? How might you change one of your lessons to bring more focus to the crosscutting concepts?

20 Lunch

21 Science Performance 2 Group Performance (20 minutes)
Investigate the height a golf balls bounces off of a hard surface (concrete, tile) when dropped from various heights (engineer ways to make accurate measurements). Collect data and use organizational representations to determine patterns and mathematical relationships for the data. Put your data in the spreadsheet. Define the system and ask questions about what causes the observed patterns in heights. Develop mathematical relationship between height of drop and bounce. Does this mathematical relationship work on another surface? Individual Performance (10 minutes) Write your explanation that may be used to explain this phenomena to others. Include evidence to support your explanation for why a pattern exists between the height of the drop and the bounce. Discussion/Group Reflection (15 minutes) Reflect on examples of other phenomena that have patterns and the forces that cause those patterns. Reflect on the importance of graphing data and using models to make sense of phenomena. 10:30 – 11:15 Group Performance Print this performance – or have them take a picture of the screen Come to a consensus as to measurement scale – inches vs. centimeters Provide instructions for collecting data and allow participants approximately 30 minutes to collect and analyze data (Steps 1-4). Emphasize the importance of the red in number 1 (Engineer ways to make accurate measurements). Insert link to spread sheet in Live Binder for recording data They should enter data in spread sheet after they collect it. The data can also be entered in a poster on the wall. You reveal the spreadsheet after all the discussion. 10:25 – Write individual explanations 10:35 - Break 10:45 – Discussion Discussion What patterns did you see? What is the relationship between the drop height and bounce height? If so, this is a proportion or ratio! Did any groups calculate a proportion? Can this be used as a mathematical formula to predict bounce height, or to discover drop height? Did anyone average and was it useful? Have participants predict drop/bounce heights due to patterns they have seen in their data (e.g., If dropped from 20 meters, how high would it bounce? If the ball bounced 20 meters, how high did I drop it from? Draw a picture of both of these scenarios and label the heights. Why is the bounce height always less than the drop height? Why is their a proportional relationship with the drop height and bounce height? Discuss measurement error and precision/accuracy of measurement. How much time was spent collecting data compared to analyzing data? Three Dimensions Emphasized in this Performance Practices Analyze and Interpret Data – Participants represent data in a table or graphical display to reveal patterns that indicate relationships. They analyze and interpret data collected to make sense of phenomena, using logical reasoning, mathematics, and/or computation. They also compare data from different groups to discuss similarities and differences in their findings Use Mathematics and Computational Thinking – Participants organize simple data sets to reveal patterns that suggest relationships. They describe, measure, estimate, and/or graph to address scientific questions. They also apply mathematical concepts and/or processes (e.g., ratio, rate, percent, basic operations, simple algebra) to scientific questions. Crosscutting Concepts Patterns – The bounce height is always lower than the drop height. The higher the drop height, the higher the bounce height. The lower the drop height, the lower the bounce height. The bounce height is approximately 70% of the drop height (ratio of drop height to bounce height). Patterns can be used as evidence to support an explanation. Scale, Proportion, and Quantity – Proportional relationships (e.g., speed as the ratio of distance traveled to time taken) among different types of quantities provide information about the magnitude of properties and processes. Disciplinary Core Ideas Energy – Transfer of Energy. The ball transfers energy (e.g., sound, friction, heat) Forces – Gravity pulls all things down toward the center of the Earth. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (Newton’s 3rd law). Framework (Page 125) PS3.B – Energy is present whenever there are moving objects, sound, light, or heat. When objects collide, energy can be transferred from one object to another, thereby changing their motion. In such collisions, some energy is typically also transferred to the surrounding air; as a result, the air gets heated and sound is produced. (Page 127) PS3.C – When objects collide, the contact forces transfer energy so as to change the objects’ motions. When two objects interact, each one exerts a force on the other that can cause energy to be transferred to or from the object. (Page 115) PS2.A – Each force acts on one particular object and has both a strength and a direction. An object at rest typically has multiple forces acting on it, but they add to give zero net force on the object. Forces that do not sum to zero can cause changes in the object’s speed or direction of motion.

22 Disciplinary Core Ideas
Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas 3D Student Performance (outcome of science instruction) Crosscutting Concepts What did you bring in – prior knowledge Now we are digging into the Disciplinary Core Ideas. The CORE IDEAS are used along with the PRACTICES and CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTS in constructing explanations. They are not an isolated outcome of instruction. This tool will be used later after we learn a bit about each dimension. We will be integrating the 3 Dimensions to identify a student performance. It’s not enough to learn the content or “Core Ideas.” The shift is actually using/applying the “Core Ideas” to construct explanations of novel phenomena. Conceptual Shift #4 (deeper understanding of content and application of)

23 Disciplinary Core Ideas
NGSS Standards Progressions for each core idea K-12 Sam’s Handout Time to bring it all together in a Science Performance! Look at how the idea progresses, highlight or mark similarities and differences across the grade bands. People start to think about standards here Share impressions among table mates. Discussion between DCI and what is currently taught Facilitator may ask… What are benefits of using a progression for student learning? Individually identify the core ideas which they already teach. It is ok if you pull from multiple columns, content may seem “shifted” from what we are used to. What is the focus (big ideas) of what you teach that relates to these Disciplinary Core Ideas in your grade-level or grade-band? Please make sure they are not just listing topics. You do not repeat standards you build. The core ideas progress through the grade levels. Have them report out what they noticed. Bring them back to the Conceptual Shift #3 on next slide.

24 Science Performance 3 What would you expect to happen if you dropped a golf ball into a glass of water? Why does my golf ball float? Can you make a golf ball float? What will it take?

25 Floating Golf Balls Group Performance (10 minutes)
Investigate How much salt it would take to allow the golf ball float? Collect data to determine what it takes to make the golf ball float? Define the system and ask questions about what effect the salt has on the water to allow the golf ball to float. Individual Performance (5 minutes) Write your explanation that may be used to explain this phenomena to others. Include evidence to support your explanation for what causes the golf ball to float. Discussion/Group Reflection (10minutes) Reflect on the forces that caused the golf ball to float and explain with evidence why this occurs.

26 3 Dimensions Science and Engineering Practices
Disciplinary Core Ideas Student Performance (outcome of science instruction) Crosscutting Concepts 12:00 You can’t do a student performance without having all 3 dimensions Had to examine each individually The outcome of instruction used to be memorizing the “Core Idea” Now “Core Idea” is one of 3 dimensions that students USE to make sense of the world and solve problems as they experience them in new situations!

27 3-D I.D. Performance Expectation:
Use argument supported by evidence for how the body is a system of interacting subsystems composed of groups of cells. Write the above expectation on a sticky note and do the following: Circle Scientific/Engineering Practice Underline Disciplinary Core Idea Box-in Crosscutting Concept Find the corresponding “Core Idea” within Appendix E “NGSS Progressions.” When does this performance occur? 11:10-11:20 Use appendices or charts Stick it on Appendix E Lunch exit ticket If you cannot box-in the CCC, write down what you think is implied.

28 Lesson Plan Development

29 Lesson Plan Development
Work Time

30 Share Out! Add to Your Livebinder! Keep up the great work!!
Survey - Thank You! or call

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