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Engineering Design Process. Agenda: November 10, 2015 ●What is STEM? ●Engineering Design Process ●Review of Marshmallow Mania DC ●Design ●Exit Pass.

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Presentation on theme: "Engineering Design Process. Agenda: November 10, 2015 ●What is STEM? ●Engineering Design Process ●Review of Marshmallow Mania DC ●Design ●Exit Pass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engineering Design Process

2 Agenda: November 10, 2015 ●What is STEM? ●Engineering Design Process ●Review of Marshmallow Mania DC ●Design ●Exit Pass

3 Science Study of the natural world Technology Study of the manmade world Engineering Math Study of numbers and quantity

4 What is engineering and why is it important in science class? Engineering is solving problems by using both math and science.

5 Engineering Vocabulary 1.Criteria: “Must Haves” 2.Constraints: Limitations 3.Prototype: First model

6 Engineering Design Process: a series of steps that engineers follow to come up with a solution to a problem. Redesign Test Build Design Understand the Problem Research & Brainstorm Communicate DESIGN PROCESS

7 UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM/ DESIGN BRIEF What is the problem? What are the criteria and constraints? How can you solve it? DESING BRIEF: A written plan that identifies a problem to be solved, its criteria, and its constraints. The design brief is used to encourage thinking in all aspects of a problem before attempting a solution

8 Research & Brainstorm BRAINSTORM: A method of shared problem solving in which all members of a group spontaneously and in an unrestrained discussion generate ideas. Find out what others have done. Think up lots of ideas. Observe the materials. Examine current state of the issue and current solutions RESEARCH: Identifying what information you know and what you need to know about your problem to create your solutions.

9 Design An iterative decision-making process that produces plans by which resources are converted into products or systems that human needs and wants or solve problems. Draw sketches and make a final decision Sketches include measurements (including units) and labels. Brainstorm possible solutionsDraw on mathematics and science Articulate the possible solutions in two and three dimensions

10 Build Use your plan to build your ideas. Determine which solution(s) best meet the original requirements Test Does my model work? Does it solve the problem? Test your idea.

11 Redesign Think about how your design can be improved. Modify your design and try again. An iterative decision-making process that produces plans by which resources are converted into products or systems that human needs and wants or solve problems. * Overhaul the solution(s) based on information gathered during the tests and presentation

12 COMMUNITCATE / EVALUATE Communicate your results with others. Discuss societal impact and tradeoffs of the solutions Make an engineering presentation that includes a discussion of how the best meet(s) the needs of the initial problem, opportunity, or need.

13 Guidelines, rules, or tests by which something can be judged. Criteria are specific and measurable. Must Haves Criteria A limit to a design process. Constraints may be such things as appearance, funding, space, materials and human capabilities Limitations Constraints A full-scale working model used to test a design concept by making actual observations and necessary adjustments. First model Prototype

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