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Can you copy this table please? TestMark out of 25 %Level 7E Acids and alkalis 8A Food and digestion 8B Respiration 8K Light 8I Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Can you copy this table please? TestMark out of 25 %Level 7E Acids and alkalis 8A Food and digestion 8B Respiration 8K Light 8I Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can you copy this table please? TestMark out of 25 %Level 7E Acids and alkalis 8A Food and digestion 8B Respiration 8K Light 8I Energy

2 Can you copy this too? “I have thought very hard about how to improve and I have decided I need to do the following two things……..”

3 Good ways to improve?


5 Last lesson Causes, symptoms and spread of different diseases

6 Common Cold

7 Cold sores (Herpes)

8 Smallpox

9 Mumps

10 Measles

11 Leprosy

12 Elephantiasis

13 Diseases DiseaseCause (Virus/bacteria/ other SymptomsHow is it spread/caught? Cure?

14 Comparing sizes of microbes Fungi (yeast) - 20 μm - 0.00002 m Bacteria - 2 μm - 0.000002 m Viruses - 20 nm - 0.000000002 m

15 Today’s lesson Investigating the respiration of yeast

16 Aerobic Respiration Occurs in the cytoplasm of cells Glucose + oxygencarbon dioxide + water (+ energy) Reactantsproducts The same reaction as burning, but there’s no flame because the reaction is carefully controlled (slower)

17 Investigating the respiration of yeast Can you stick the sheet in and read it please? 8Cb2 Rising dough 2 Look! A talking piece of dough! My arm’s getting tired!

18 Investigating the respiration of yeast When you have finished setting up your experiment can you try the questions on pages 30 & 31? Look! A talking piece of dough! My arm’s getting tired!


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