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OBJECTIVE Apply the rules of multiplying and dividing integers to solve real world problems.

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Presentation on theme: "OBJECTIVE Apply the rules of multiplying and dividing integers to solve real world problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBJECTIVE Apply the rules of multiplying and dividing integers to solve real world problems.

2 Evaluate the expression when x= -9, y= -7 and z= -4 1. xy 2. y 2 3. 2xyz 4. x 2 + y 5. 3xy -yz

3 Simplify. 1.12 (2) 2.15 (30) 3.80 ÷20 4.735 ÷ 5 5.(5) (2) (4)

4 LOVE or HATE? If you love to love, you______ If you hate to hate, you ______ If you love to hate, you ______ If you hate to love, you _______

5 If you love to love, you LOVE (a + and a + = + ) If you hate to hate, you LOVE (a - and a - = + ) If you love to hate, you HATE (a + and a - = - ) If you hate to love, you HATE (a - and a + = - )

6 positive x positive = positive negative x negative = positive positive x negative = negative negative x positive = negative

7 positive ÷ positive = positive negative ÷ negative = positive positive ÷ negative = negative negative ÷ positive = negative

8 X and ÷ INTEGERS Rule 1 LIKE SIGNS= POSITIVE ++ 9(6)= 54 90/5= 18 -- -8(-5)= 40 -88/-11= 8 Rule 2 Unlike Signs = Negative +- 4(-6) = -24 -70÷ 5= -14 -+ -7(8) = -56 25 ÷ -5= -5

9 Simplify. 1.12 (-2) 2.-15 (-30) 3.-80 ÷20 4.-735 ÷ -5 5.(-5) (-2) (-4)

10 Dante’ deposits $90 into his school lunch account at the beginning of the month of October. If the school charges him $4 for each day he eats lunch. Is his money enough for him to eat in three weeks? Why?

11 On five plays, the Ravens completed passes for 14, -2, -8, -4, and 8 yards. What was the average number of yards per pass?

12 1. What is the product of -25, +12 and-3?

13 2. A scuba diver is swimming at a depth of -20 feet. Then she dives down to a coral reef that is at five times this depth. What is the depth of the coral reef?

14 3.Find the quotient of (-846) and (-3).

15 4. Jamaican track star Usian Bolt burns 12 calories per minute when he runs for 11 minutes. What is the amount of calories he burns?

16 5. The head lifeguard at The Patterson Park Pool is filling the pool. The water level of the pool increases at a rate of 4 inches per minute for 15 minutes. What integer represents the total change in the water level?

17 6. Darius wants to find out the average of -89, 100, 45, -21 and-75. What are How will he do it? What will be the average?

18 7. What will be the sign of the quotient? Why? (-1) ÷ (-1) ÷ (-1) ÷ (-1)

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