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QUICK WRITE If you lived like this, who would you be angry with?

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1 QUICK WRITE If you lived like this, who would you be angry with?


3 New Socio-Economic (& Political) Ideas of the Industrial Revolution CAPITALISM v. COMMUNISM

4 The IR created many social and political probs: Extreme poverty Severe Overcrowding Huge gap between rich and poor Some blamed the econ. and pol. system = CAPITALIST DEMOCRACY Some ppl wanted a fairer econ. system = SOCIALISM or COMMUNISM

5 Capitalist Democracy is… Capitalism = individuals own businesses and run the economy work to make profit Democracy = individuals have the right to make pol., soc., and econ. choices In a CD, individuals can choose to work hard and the gov’t is not responsible for success or failure CAP = ALL ABOUT THE INDIVIDUAL PERSON Laissez-Faire = idea that the gov’t should stay out business b/c gov’t rules = less profit for business

6 BENEFITS OF CAPITALIST DEMOCRACY Ppl work for themselves—not for others It is all about freedom of choice Ppl are not responsible for others who do not want to work hard Ppl have rights as individuals Working hard means that you can become more wealthy The gov’t stays out of people’s lives and business

7 Socialism (followed by Comm) is… All resources (wealth) of a nation should be shared equally. (no rich, no poor, all equal) Job of the gov’t = --make sure ppl are taken care of --lead the Comm revolution and redistribute the wealth fairly (eventually) Gov’t controls economy, politics, society —no private ownership or freedom of choice COM = ALL ABOUT THE COMMUNITY OF PPL

8 BENEFITS OF SOCIALISM (COMMUNISM) Ppl work for the good of the community Wealth is shared equally Horrible conditions of the IR would disappear The gov’t’s only job is to ensure wealth is distributed fairly and take care of people The rich can not longer take advantage of the poor

9 Ideological Opposition Comm opposes CD b/c CD: Resources and power are held by a few ppl ( called Bourgeoisie) Majority of ppl (called Proletariat) have very little power CD opposes Comm b/c Comm: Offers no choices or freedom for ppl All power is in the hands of the gov’t

10 Cap—Adam Smith Author of Wealth of Nations (1776) Believed in laissez faire— said that ppl should have political and economic freedom Said gov’t rules on business slowed the economy and ppl could not make as much profit

11 Cap—David Ricardo Author of Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817) Believed that there would always be poor ppl—the economy needed a source of cheap labor Said gov’t should not provide help to poor—there was no point and the poor should take care of themselves

12 Cap—Thomas Malthus Author of Essay on the Principles of Population (1798) Major Beliefs = there will always be poverty and social inequality Ppl have the choice to be rich or poor

13 Soc—Jeremy Bentham Believed in utilitarianism = gov’t should work for the good of the greatest number of people Gov’t was only useful if it took care of the people

14 Soc—Robert Owen Owned a mill—built houses for workers, had good working conditions for the poor Began a utopian community in the US. Believed in the utilitarian ideas of Bentham

15 Comm—Karl Marx Believed in socialism—but even more extreme Said that the economy should be in complete control of gov’t and operate for the benefit of all ppl Believed that the capitalist system would be defeated in a revolution of the proletariat (the working poor)

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