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Office of Sponsored Programs- Who We Are and What We Do 202 Centennial Hall x4134 September 16, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Sponsored Programs- Who We Are and What We Do 202 Centennial Hall x4134 September 16, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Sponsored Programs- Who We Are and What We Do 202 Centennial Hall x4134 September 16, 2015


3 Mission Foster innovation, promote scholarship, creative works, technology transfer and economic development, provide access to specialized equipment, and promote education and training of students to conduct cutting-edge interdisciplinary research. Enhance and facilitate research and external funding by providing support services, in a timely and professional manner, to faculty, staff, students and research investors involved with sponsored program activities.

4 OSP – Pre-award Team Diane Brown Grants and Contracts Administrator Telephone: (573) 341-4135 Email: Primary Duties  Contracts and subcontract negotiations  Subcontractor purchase orders  RFP review Maria Shaub Grants and Contracts Administrator Telephone: (573) 341-7122 Email: Primary Duties  Set up of new awards in PeopleSoft  No-cost time extensions  Review Pre-award documents

5 Melissa Chambers Grants and Contracts Specialist Telephone: (573) 341-7553 Email: Primary Duties  Budget and proposal development assistance  Proposal submissions  UM Research Board Cynthia Stevenson Grants and Contracts Specialist Telephone: (573) 341-7272 Email: Primary Duties  Budget and proposal development assistance  Proposal submissions Debra Wielms Grants and Contracts Specialist Telephone: (573) 341-7120 Email: Primary Duties  Budget and proposal development assistance  Proposal submissions  Tracking of awards and submissions OSP – Pre-award Team

6 OSP – Post Award Team Kelly Bowen Grants and Contracts Specialist Telephone: (573) 341-4130 Email: Management of award Financial Reporting Award closeout Assigned Sponsors: National labs, Universities and Industry Vacant Grants and Contracts Specialist Management of award Financial Reporting Award closeout Assigned Sponsors: NSF, State agencies, Local government and Alliances Vacant Grants and Contracts Specialist Management of award Financial Reporting Award closeout Service Agreements Assigned Sponsors: Consortiums, Industry and Foundations

7 OSP- Post Award Team Mendy Kell Grants and Contracts Administrator Telephone: (573) 341-7140 Grant Systems Coordinator Financial and Special Reporting Award closeout Assigned Sponsors: Federal Agencies Julie Creamer Grants and Contracts Administrator Telephone: (573) 341-6855 Email: Management of award Financial Reporting Effort Verification Reporting Award closeout Assigned Sponsors: Dept. of Transportation, Dept. Of Education, University, FAA/Fed Highway and Mid-America Transportation Centers (MATC), NASA and Societies

8 Considerations Industry Technology Transfer Missouri S&T Faculty and Support Staff Missouri S&T Senior Leadership UM Collected Rules & Regulations, Business Policies, Accounting Manual and Chancellor’s Policy Memos State Laws and Regulations Federal Laws, Uniform Guidance and Agency Guidelines Office of Sponsored Programs

9 Proposal Development 2 Org Review & Submit to Sponsor 3 Negotiation & Award 4 Manage Award (Technical & Admin) 5 Award Closeout 6 Publications, Inventions, & Tech Transfer 7 Concept 1 Award Lifecycle

10 Pre Award Team Concept Proposal Development Organizational Review & Submission to Sponsor Negotiation & Award *********REMINDER********* As soon as PI knows they are planning to submit, call OSP. Full proposal along with ePSRS must be submitted to OSP 3 business days prior to submission due date.

11 1.Concept Responsible PartyActivity PI  Search for opportunities  Notify department and OSP via email of intent to submit proposal  If required by Sponsor, request assistance in completion of a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) from OSP, using a UM- approved Mutual NDA Agreement or equivalent Department  Assist PI in searching for opportunities Tech Transfer  Negotiate and process non-disclosure agreements (NDA) with industry

12 2.Proposal Development Responsible Party Activity Department  Input proposal into PeopleSoft to generate a Proposal Signature Routing Sheet (ePSRS) *OSP will input if requested by PI  Assist PI in compiling and submitting the following materials to OSP (digital or paper):  Technical proposal  Budget proposal spreadsheets  All other Sponsor-required forms  Subcontractor documentation  Missouri S&T OSP Request for University Contribution (F&A-related/Cost Share),

13 2. Proposal Development Responsible Party Activity OSP  Assist PI and department in proposal development efforts (questions related to PeopleSoft data entry, budgets, Sponsor guidelines and administrative clarifications)  Complete and Sponsor-required Representations & Certifications  Provide PI with export control requirements and guidelines Typically related to publication or restrictions on persons allowed to work on or have access to information pertaining to project.  Assist PI in developing individual subcontracting plan

14 3.Organization Review & Submission to Sponsor Responsible Party Activity PI  Secure regulatory approvals & training  Ensure compliance with Sponsor guidelines and UM policy  Route full proposal to OSP for submission OSP  Review for compliance with Sponsor guidelines, Uniform Guidance and/or Federal Acquisition Regulations, UM policy and Missouri S&T policy  Prepare University endorsement letter for paper and/or digital proposals  All submissions are made by The Curators of the University of Missouri on behalf of Missouri University of Science and Technology  Mail proposal or submit proposal to Sponsor  Maintain contact relationship with Sponsor in relationship to proposal Tech Transfer  Review IP provisions of proposals associated with industry or other non-governmental organizations

15 4.Negotiation & Award Responsible Party Activity PI  Negotiate technical matters with Sponsor, informing OSP of status  Revise budget at Sponsor’s request; communicate changes to OSP  Notify Co-PI's of award account  Request Pre Award Spending Chartfield, if allowable and necessary Department  Approval PI Request for Pre Award Spending Chartfield and forward request to OSP (grant awards only) OSP  Negotiate terms & conditions with Sponsor, informing PI and department of status  Route Sponsor-proposed contract to UM General Counsel for legal review  Route Sponsor-proposed contract to Tech Transfer for IP language review and approval Approve and Set up Pre Award Spending Chartfield if applicable

16 4.Negotiation & Award Responsible Party Activity OSP Cont.  Negotiate and execute contract agreements, using UM-approved contract agreements, or agreements proposed by third parties  Set up chartfield in PeopleSoft and send out the Grant Award Summary to PI and department  Initiate subcontract/subrecipient efforts and negotiations (Missouri S&T as Prime/Missouri S&T as Sub) Tech Transfer  Review and approve or modify IP provisions contained in Sponsor-proposed contract that is provided by OSP Pre Award Team

17 Post Award Team Management of Award Monitor Terms and Condition of Award to Ensure Compliance Award Closeout

18 5.Management of Award (Tech, Admin, & Finance) Responsible Party Activity PI  Inform department of changes in payroll for PAF processing  Approve expenses prior to transactions  Provide Sponsor with technical reports; carbon copy to OSP required  Initiate the following requests thru department and send to OSP  Budget Changes  Change of institution  Change of PI and/or Shared Credit  Time Extension  Manage and ensure accuracy of Effort Verification Reports (EVR)  Manage and ensure accuracy of payroll associated with award  Manage and ensure cost share associated with award  Maintain compliance certifications e.g. IRB  Monitor subcontractor progress and approve invoices for payment  Initiate invention disclosure form during research, if necessary

19 5.Management of Award (Tech, Admin, & Finance) Responsible Party Activity Department  Process the following requests:  Budget Changes  Change of institution  Change of PI and/or Shared Credit  Time Extension Send completed form to OSP  Process payroll, tuition paperwork, expenses and cost share associated with award  Monitor variance reports to ensure appropriateness of expenses  Make correcting entries within 60 days if necessary

20 5.Management of Award (Tech, Admin, & Finance) Responsible Party Activity OSP  Process PI and/or departmental-initiated requests for:  Budget Changes  Change of institution  Change of PI and/or Shared Credit  Time Extension  Process payment to subcontractors/subrecipients  Monitor Compliance Expenses- reasonableness, allowability, and allocability Contract terms and conditions Progress reports  Review cost share accounts  Generate invoices, process electronic draws, apply payments and make collection calls  Provide required reports-financial, patent and equipment Tech Transfer  Review and track invention disclosure  Report invention disclosure to Sponsor

21 6.Award Closeout Responsible Party Activity PI  Ensure all expenses have been posted, are in compliance with regulations and terms of contract. Project must not be overspent.  Ensure cost share is complete and is recorded within performance availability  Ensure all deliverables are have been received from subcontractors/subrecipients  Provide OSP with first three pages of each progress report and final technical report that has been accepted by Sponsor Initiate invention disclosure form to Tech Transfer Department  Process PAF to move salary and benefits from the project  Process correcting entries for any over-expenditures  Process equipment tagging paperwork for inventory tracking

22 6.Award Closeout Responsible Party Activity OSP  Send out end date letters (30 to 60 days prior to project end date)  Ensure subcontractors are paid in full  Ensure match is met  Work with PI and department to ensure project is not overspent  File all closeout reports  Ensure all revenue is received and posted  Ensure project milestones are complete and project is closed out in PeopleSoft Tech Transfer  Review and track invention disclosure  Report invention disclosure to Sponsor

23 7.Publications, Inventions, and Technology Transfer Responsible Party Activity PI  If applicable, support development of patent application with Tech Transfer  Submit technical proposal to Research Repository (highly encouraged) DepartmentNone

24 7.Publications, Inventions, and Technology Transfer Responsible Party Activity Tech Transfer  Conduct patent viability analysis and inform PI of findings  Patent application decision  Development of patent application (shared w/ PI)  Submission of patent application  Assignment of IP rights to inventor(s) if Missouri S&T has no intent to pursue  Identification of and negotiation with potential IP licensees  Management and oversight of license income to Missouri S&T, DEPT, and PI  Technology commercialization guidance to entrepreneurial-minded PIs

25 Questions Comments Discussion

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