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Public Health Reporting Initiative October 31, 2012.

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1 Public Health Reporting Initiative October 31, 2012

2 Agenda TopicTime Allotted Welcome / Agenda Overview – Lindsay Brown4:00 - 4:05 Data Harmonization Update – Nikolay Lipskiy4:05 – 4:20 Stage 3 Sprint Update – Riki Merrick4:20 – 4:30 Pilot Discussion – John Stinn4:30 – 4:40 Wiki Update – Lindsay Brown4:40 – 4:50 Adjourn5:00

3 Logistics Moving into a new year, we may re-examine the meeting schedule Call for new / additional co-leads moving forward – Interested? Email Lindsay Brown (

4 Data Harmonization Profile: Release for Public Comment The Data Harmonization Profile is available for public comment and review here: ent ent Review Period: 10/31/12 – 11/13/12 Submit comments using the discussion board on the wiki or by emailing Lindsay Brown ( Feel free to forward requests to review to interested colleagues

5 Data Harmonization Profile: Intent Describe the core common data elements for public health reporting – Using harmonized data element names and descriptions – Recommending formats and value sets Describe how the Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) models the core common data elements

6 Data Harmonization Profile: Core Common Data Element Section (Example)

7 Data Harmonization Profile: Core Common Data Element Section (Example con’t)

8 Data Harmonization Profile: FHIM component (example)

9 Stage 3 Sprint – Implementation Guide Next meeting: Wednesday, 10am – 12pm ET – If needed, additional discussion on Thursday from 12- 2 PM ET Goal: Review and finalize CDA guidance for common core data elements – Call for reviewers of the technical documentation – Submit comments to Lindsay Brown ( – Drafts available here: uide uide

10 Pilots? Volunteers on the sender or receiver side to pilot test the PHRI specification? Volunteers to join a “Pilot Subworkgroup” to discuss pilot considerations and potential participants? Thoughts on pilot criteria? Email Lindsay Brown (

11 Wiki Update The PHRI Wiki pages have been updated to conform to other S&I Framework wiki pages The home page is located here: porting+Initiative porting+Initiative – Quick links to the working groups and public comment pages are found on the right side bar – Other pages are found in the drop down boxes across the top – for example, the project charter is found under ‘charter and members’

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