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The Kimberley Almost twice the size of Victoria, larger than Italy or Germany One of 15 Australian national diversity Hotspots - unique vegetation, home.

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Presentation on theme: "The Kimberley Almost twice the size of Victoria, larger than Italy or Germany One of 15 Australian national diversity Hotspots - unique vegetation, home."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Kimberley Almost twice the size of Victoria, larger than Italy or Germany One of 15 Australian national diversity Hotspots - unique vegetation, home to many rare and vulnerable animal species – marine and terrestrial A place of staggering beauty and ancient power – not yet irreversibly compromised. A large-scale ecological reference site that can provide information for regenerating ecosystems (about which little is currently known). Such sites are crucial in the context of climate change. One of the last great Indigenous homelands


4 The Threat Woodside Petroleum is seeking approval for an industrial plant and port at James Price Point to process gas from a field 350 km off shore. The effects will be destructive to pristine coastline and woodlands and will increase WA emissions by 20% of current totals. The development will open the way for industrialisation of the western Kimberley by other companies, already poised for mining bauxite, coal, uranium, cooper and more. Other feasible options exist – gas can be piped to processing plant already established in the Pilbara. WA govt has already approved this development


6 A Strategy Only point of leverage is at Federal level – Federal Environment Minister will make a decision at end of August re listing for National Heritage status. This could also be a prelude to World Heritage listing A national campaign (comparable to the Franklin River) is needed to express commitment of Australians to preserving the Kimberley. This idea has now been posted on the Getup website. GetUp would mount such a campaign when sufficient number of people vote for it.

7 What Can I do? To vote – first you need to become a member of GetUp (if you are not already) - go to Then go to - Suggestions – Hot ideas – to National Heritage Listing for the Western Kimberley Sign in and vote (you can click on 1, 2 or 3 votes for one suggestion – click 3!!) Call on friends and networks to vote on GetUp website Another useful site is

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