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World Literature Mr. Nurenberg COURSE EXPECTATIONS.

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2 World Literature Mr. Nurenberg COURSE EXPECTATIONS

3 Mr. Nurenberg H-13 Conference blocks: B, D, F, G, H

4  Students will gain familiarity with major authors, texts, themes and literary traditions, both modern and classical, and relevant historical background of several non-Western cultures.  Students will be able to draw stylistic and thematic parallels, and note differences, between literary works of the West (both canonical and non-canonical) and literary works of various nonwestern cultures.  Students will be able to understand concepts that arise in the literature we read, such as Magical Realism or Postcolonialism, both as concepts themselves and in the context of each culture. Key Goals for This Course

5 1.A notebook (can be any type) 2.A folder or some way of storing the MANY handouts you will receive 3.A pen or pencil 4.Whatever book we are using (this includes the COURSE READER) Materials Needed

6 1. Arrive on-time, every day, with notebook, writing implements, and whatever book we are reading. 2. Treat everyone with respect. 3. Take responsibility for your own learning. This means: * Doing the homework every night.  If you don’t understand something, coming to me or emailing me and asking.  If you are out sick, making sure you call someone reliable for the assignment.  If you come in late, signing the late book & checking the tray  Keeping backups in case of technology failure.  Come to me ahead of time if you need an extension 4. Take notes. You will be able to use your notes on reading quizzes. 5. Be passionate. (and ask questions!) 6. Keep an open mind – it’s ok “not to know.” We’re all learning together. 7. Keep the classroom clean. The Seven Big Rules

7 Reading Homework: Plan to read around 20-30 pages in your assigned book every night. Written Assignments: We will express ourselves routinely through free-form writing and formal papers. Quizzes and Tests: We will have frequent quizzes and tests based on the readings and on class lectures and discussions. You will be able to use your notes on most of these, so taking good notes will greatly increase your grade. Independent Project: More on this later. Class Blog: More on this later. Classwork to Expect

8 Late Work: I accept late work, with grade deductions for every day missed (e.g., an A one day late would be an A-) until it reaches zero. Re-writes: You will always have the opportunity to rewrite your papers, but you must meet with me to discuss the process. Extra Help: If you have any questions that cannot be answered during class time, you are always welcome to come speak with me in the English Office (H-13). People who make appointments with me ahead of time will have priority over those who drop by unannounced. Grading

9 Check your grades Complete assignments on the class blog Find useful links and resources Read Mr. N’s blog YOU WILL NEED TO USE YOUR FIRSTCLASS ACCOUNTS FOR THIS CLASS Make regular visits to:

10 Opportunities for interaction with students in -JAPAN (pen pals, visitors, trip 2009)

11 Let the adventure begin!

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