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Warm Up What are some benefits of choosing to abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage? What are some benefits of choosing to abstain from sexual.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up What are some benefits of choosing to abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage? What are some benefits of choosing to abstain from sexual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up What are some benefits of choosing to abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage? What are some benefits of choosing to abstain from sexual intercourse until marriage?

2 Abstinence/ Contraception Lesson 36

3 Objectives Discuss abstinence as the only method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STDs Discuss abstinence as the only method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and STDs Demonstrate assertive communication as it relates to abstinence from sexual activity Demonstrate assertive communication as it relates to abstinence from sexual activity Analyze the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of contraceptive devices keeping in mind the effectiveness of abstinence Analyze the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of contraceptive devices keeping in mind the effectiveness of abstinence Indentify myths and misconceptions concerning sexual behaviors Indentify myths and misconceptions concerning sexual behaviors Discuss the individual's responsibility as a factor in enhancing health Discuss the individual's responsibility as a factor in enhancing health

4 Abstinence Until Marriage Deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors, including sexual activity before marriage Deliberate decision to avoid high-risk behaviors, including sexual activity before marriage Only 100% effective way to eliminate health risks associated with sexual activity Only 100% effective way to eliminate health risks associated with sexual activity –Unplanned pregnancy –Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

5 Committing to Abstinence Set your priorities Set your priorities –Goals, tasks, and activities that you judge to be more important than others How will an STD affect your plans for the future? How will an STD affect your plans for the future? Use self control Use self control –Ability to use responsibility to override emotions

6 Tips to Commit to Abstinence Establish priorities Establish priorities –Set goals and decide how you will reach them –Consider values Set personal limits on how you express affection Set personal limits on how you express affection –Base limits on priorities –Set your limits BEFORE you are in a situation in which sexual feelings start Share thoughts with your partner Share thoughts with your partner –Communicate openly and honestly –Define limits Talk with a trusted adult Talk with a trusted adult –Adults may be able to suggest safe and healthful ways for you to manage your feelings Avoid high pressure situations Avoid high pressure situations –Go out in a group –Stay away from unsupervised parties and dark rooms Do not use alcohol or drugs Do not use alcohol or drugs –Impairs judgment –Avoid people using these substances as they will likely exert negative peer pressure on you

7 Legal Reasons to Practice Abstinence It is illegal for an adult to have sexual contact with anyone under the age of consent It is illegal for an adult to have sexual contact with anyone under the age of consent –Varies from state to state It is illegal for unmarried minor persons to engage in sexual activity It is illegal for unmarried minor persons to engage in sexual activity People arrested for and convicted of breaking the law can go to jail People arrested for and convicted of breaking the law can go to jail –May be identified as sex offenders, a label that will stay with them for the rest of their lives!

8 Physical Reasons to Practice Abstinence Unplanned Pregnancy Unplanned Pregnancy –Risks health of both mother and child –Financial and emotional strain on mother and father STDs STDs –Teens from 15-19 are at the greatest risk of STDs –3 million teens in the US contract some form of STDs each year –Lifelong consequences on the infected individual

9 Emotional Reasons to Practice Abstinence Abstinence leads to healthy feelings of self respect Abstinence leads to healthy feelings of self respect Sexual activity goes against values and religious beliefs of many, possibly leading to emotional trauma Sexual activity goes against values and religious beliefs of many, possibly leading to emotional trauma Fear of being caught leads to lying, which can lead to feelings of guilt and regret Fear of being caught leads to lying, which can lead to feelings of guilt and regret Huge emotional strain of an unplanned pregnancy Huge emotional strain of an unplanned pregnancy

10 Social Reasons to Practice Abstinence Sexually activity can damage a person’s reputation, labeling them as ‘easy’ and making it difficulty to build new and healthy relationships Sexually activity can damage a person’s reputation, labeling them as ‘easy’ and making it difficulty to build new and healthy relationships Pressures and expectations caused by sexual activity can lead to a breakup Pressures and expectations caused by sexual activity can lead to a breakup May harm family relationships if they go against family values and limits May harm family relationships if they go against family values and limits –Break parental trust An unplanned pregnancy often results in the mother and father dropping out of school to support the child An unplanned pregnancy often results in the mother and father dropping out of school to support the child –By law the father must support the baby until age 18 –Teen parents sacrifice social lives and plans for college or job training

11 Refusal Statements, Figure 12.3 pg 323

12 Contraception Prevention of pregnancy Prevention of pregnancy Nonprescription Methods Nonprescription Methods –Condom: thin sheath of latex, plastic, or animal tissue that is placed on the erect penis to catch semen  Physical barrier  Must be used correctly—if it slips off or breaks, semen will be able to enter the vagina –Female Condoms: same idea as male condoms but these fit inside the vagina, instead of on the male’s penis –Foams, jellies, creams, suppositories  Contain spermacide, a chemical that kills sperms  Must be applied a specified time before intercourse to be effective  No protection against STDs –Fertility awareness methods: methods of contraception that involve determining the fertile days of the female’s menstrual cycle and avoiding intercourse during those days  Only 80% effective  Teen’s menstrual cycle is often irregular, making it nearly impossible to determine when she ovulates each month  No protection against STDs

13 Contraceptive Methods Continued Prescription Methods Prescription Methods –Birth Control Pill: hormone pills that, taken correctly, create changes in the female body that prevent pregnancy  Unpleasant side effects: nausea, weight gain, breast tenderness, mood swings, bleeding, high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke  No protection against STDs –Diaphragm: soft latex cup with a flexible rim that covers the entrance to the cervix –Cervical Cap: thimble shaped, soft latex cup that fits snugly onto the cervix  Both are barrier methods, keeping the sperm and ovum apart  No protection against STDs –Contraceptive Implant: birth control procedure that involves insertion of six small rods abou the size of a paper matchstick under the skin of a female’s upper arm  Rods release small amounts of hormones that prevent the ovaries from releasing an ovum each month  Protection lasts about five years  No protection against STDs

14 Facts and Myths About Pregnancy Prevention Females can ovulate before their first menstrual period, so a teen can become pregnant before she knows she is fertile Females can ovulate before their first menstrual period, so a teen can become pregnant before she knows she is fertile Sperm normally live for 12-48 hours inside the female but can live for as long as 6 days Sperm normally live for 12-48 hours inside the female but can live for as long as 6 days Because sperm can live for several days, a female can get pregnant even during her menstrual period Because sperm can live for several days, a female can get pregnant even during her menstrual period It only takes 1 sperm and 1 egg for pregnancy to occur It only takes 1 sperm and 1 egg for pregnancy to occur Sperm CANNOT be flushed out of the vagina by urinating. Urine leaves through the urethra, not the vagina Sperm CANNOT be flushed out of the vagina by urinating. Urine leaves through the urethra, not the vagina If sexual intercourse occurs while standing up, in a hot tub or just for a few minutes, pregnancy can still occur If sexual intercourse occurs while standing up, in a hot tub or just for a few minutes, pregnancy can still occur Withdrawal is not a method of preventing pregnancy Withdrawal is not a method of preventing pregnancy –The male’s removal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation –Sperm may be present in the fluid released by Cowper’s glands before ejaculation. The male does not know when this fluid is being released. ABSTINENCE IS THE ONLY 100% EFFECTIVE METHOD IN PREVENTING AGAINST STDS AND UNPLANNED PREGNANCY!

15 What do you think?? In groups of 3-4, identify as many reasons as you can that teens may abstain from sex. You must have a minimum of 10! Be prepared to discuss these with the class. In groups of 3-4, identify as many reasons as you can that teens may abstain from sex. You must have a minimum of 10! Be prepared to discuss these with the class.

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