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“The participants in social psychological research have been mistreated to the point of being abused.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "“The participants in social psychological research have been mistreated to the point of being abused.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The participants in social psychological research have been mistreated to the point of being abused.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?

2 Today’s session You will learn aboutContext Explaining ethical issues Analysing the ethical issues raised by psychological studies Studies of conformity and obedience

3 Ethical issues An ethical issue is a problem arising from conflict between What is necessary for our research Our moral obligations towards our PPs

4 What sorts of thing have social psychologists done that raise this conflict?

5 Ethical issues Raised by…Moral view…Scientific view… Not telling PPs what they’re taking part in Lying to PPs about the study Hurting/ damaging the PPs

6 Ethical Issues Informed consent Did the pps agree to take part? Did they know what they were agreeing to? Deception Were the pps at any point deliberately misled? Psychological harm Were the pps put at risk of harm e.g. stress or damage to self image?

7 Ethical Issues Many social influence studies raise ethical issues e.g. Asch (1951) Hofling et al (1966) Milgram (1963) Any others? Which issues are raised by these studies & why (where’s the conflict)?

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