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Global Climate Change: Detection and Attribution Finish Idealized Global Circulation Model and Global Climates Is the Current Climate Changing? If so,

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Presentation on theme: "Global Climate Change: Detection and Attribution Finish Idealized Global Circulation Model and Global Climates Is the Current Climate Changing? If so,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Climate Change: Detection and Attribution Finish Idealized Global Circulation Model and Global Climates Is the Current Climate Changing? If so, on what evidence? Why? Exam I on Feb 4! Review Sheet is Posted.

2 Where the Hell is Matt? WwruY


4 June–July ITCZ Figure 6.11

5 Seasonal Patterns Location of the sun’s noon-time vertical rays (i.e., where the sun is directly overhead) helps to control the position of the ITCZ Location of the sun’s noon-time vertical rays (i.e., where the sun is directly overhead) helps to control the position of the ITCZ Northern Hemisphere summer, ITCZ and all of the wind and pressure belts migrate to the north Northern Hemisphere summer, ITCZ and all of the wind and pressure belts migrate to the north North Hemisphere winter, ITCZ and all of the wind and pressure belts migrate to the south North Hemisphere winter, ITCZ and all of the wind and pressure belts migrate to the south

6 Modified Köppen System Figure 8-4

7 © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. 7 Global Climate Regions Figure 2.13 Climograph

8 Climographs Figure 8-6

9 Climate Change Detection Is the Earth’s Current Climate Changing? If so, what evidence can you provide? (We will discuss the question of attribution in a bit.)

10 Figure 10.30 YES!


12 Figure SPM.1b Observed change in surface temperature 1901-2012 All Figures © IPCC 2013

13 Figure SPM.2 Observed change in annual precipitation over land All Figures © IPCC 2013

14 Figure SPM.3 Multiple observed indicators of a changing global climate All Figures © IPCC 2013

15 Observed Variations in the Cryosphere

16 Linear Trend of Annual Temperatures

17 Observed Variations in the Cryosphere


19 Chasing Ice

20 Climate Change Attribution Why is the climate changing?

21 What are some Anthropogenic Influences on Climate?

22 Greenhouse gases Aerosols – suspended particulates Land use/land cover change

23 A rectangular piece of coal in a wagon is on display in the middle of Pacific Avenue In Tacoma before the arrival of President Harrison in May, 1891.

24 Life Magazine (1962)




28 Natural Forcings? Solar Irradiance Volcanoes Changes in Oceanic and Atmospheric Circulation


30 No denying that the anthropogenic warming is playing a role: Question is how much?

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