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II Course on GBIF Node Management Arusha, Tanzania 31 st October and 1 st November 2008 Tim ROBERTSON Systems Architect GBIF Secretariat The GBIF Data.

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Presentation on theme: "II Course on GBIF Node Management Arusha, Tanzania 31 st October and 1 st November 2008 Tim ROBERTSON Systems Architect GBIF Secretariat The GBIF Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 II Course on GBIF Node Management Arusha, Tanzania 31 st October and 1 st November 2008 Tim ROBERTSON Systems Architect GBIF Secretariat The GBIF Data Portal

2 SUMMARY 1.Introduction: about this speech. 2.Basic Portal Usage: user interface, mirrors… 3.Advanced Portal Usage: logs, web services, OGC services… 4.Future developments: scalability, decentralisation... 5.Conclusions.

3 INTRODUCTION The GBIF Secretariat, Denmark This lecture is presented by Tim Robertson, Systems Architect at the GBIF Secretariat in Copenhagen, Denmark. The GBIF Data Portal The GBIF Data Portal is at present the main tool to access the data available in the GBIF distributed network. This presentation is a guided tour over its different features, starting at the most basic ones and ending with the most advanced. Recently added features as the ‘data sharing with countries of origin’ table or the capacity to make searches using ‘altitude/depth’ criteria are highlighted.

4 BASIC USE Servers & Mirrors The GBIF Data Portal Spain Germany Denmark Costa Rica

5 BASIC USE DATA.GBIF.ORG The GBIF Data Portal Generic search box

6 BASIC USE DATA.GBIF.ORG The GBIF Data Portal 3 main entry points: 1.Species 2.Countries 3.Datasets

7 BASIC USE DATA.GBIF.ORG The GBIF Data Portal For tailored searches: bounding boxes, dates, altitude/depth, etc.

8 BASIC USE DATA.GBIF.ORG The GBIF Data Portal To change resolution and language.

9 BASIC USE DATA.GBIF.ORG The GBIF Data Portal To access the on-line tutorial, the data user and sharing agreements, etc.

10 BASIC USE The GBIF Data Portal Data Use Agreement

11 BASIC USE The GBIF Data Portal Results of a basic search

12 BASIC USE The GBIF Data Portal Summary pages for species, countries, datasets, data providers and data networks Customised action boxes

13 BASIC USE The GBIF Data Portal Explore occurrence records and their details

14 BASIC USE The GBIF Data Portal Download data

15 BASIC USE The GBIF Data Portal Data sharing with countries of origin

16 ADVANCED USE Data error detector The GBIF Data Portal

17 ADVANCED USE Indexing and use logs The GBIF Data Portal

18 ADVANCED USE Web Services The GBIF Data Portal

19 ADVANCED USE Embedding in other sites The GBIF Data Portal

20 FUTURE The GBIF Data Portal 1. Widening accessibility of the data: Mirror sites Regional mirrors Simplified portal package 2. Improving mapping support: Alternative base layers in the portal Dynamic zoom from cell density to individual localities Support for Open GIS Consortium web services 3. Improving the use of metadata: Better metadata characterising each dataset for different uses New registration interfaces Control of indexing schedules 4. Scaling the database (to a billion records and beyond) 5. Translation into more languages

21 CONCLUSIONS The GBIF Data Portal Portal already available on the internet, open and accessible to everyone. Developed in Java. It is Open Source software, that can be adapted to other purposes. Copies (mirror sites) running in different parts of the world. Different ways to consult the data: taxonomic, geographical, origin. Different ways to access the data: tables, maps, Google Earth TM downloads... There is also machine-driven ways to access the data: web (REST) services, OGC services, etc. In the future: More distributed and customised. Improved map support. Improved use of metadata. Scaling (10 8 records). Translation.

22 The GBIF Data Portal II Course on GBIF Node Management Arusha, Tanzania 31 st October and 1 st November 2008 Tim ROBERTSON Systems Architect GBIF Secretariat Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: +45 3532 1487 Fax: +45 3532 1480 Email: Web:

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