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IConnect 21 Oxford Middle School 2013-2014. Schedules at OMS: Schedule (Zero-9th period); The new Common Core curriculum will be used to incorporate 21st.

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Presentation on theme: "IConnect 21 Oxford Middle School 2013-2014. Schedules at OMS: Schedule (Zero-9th period); The new Common Core curriculum will be used to incorporate 21st."— Presentation transcript:

1 iConnect 21 Oxford Middle School 2013-2014

2 Schedules at OMS: Schedule (Zero-9th period); The new Common Core curriculum will be used to incorporate 21st century skills across the curriculum. Challenge Based Learning and 21st Skills (On Grade Level); Robotics/JUNA ALL students will receive a Mac Air to use AT SCHOOL during the school day. They will return their laptop to their 9th period class everyday. Laptops will remain at school at this time.

3 Schedules at OMS: Schedule (Zero-9th period); The new Common Core curriculum will be used to incorporate 21st century skills across the curriculum. Challenge Based Learning and 21st Skills (On Grade Level); Robotics/JUNA ALL students will receive a Mac Air to use AT SCHOOL during the school day. They will return their laptop to their 9th period class everyday. Laptops will remain at school at this time.

4 Power Math. New Enrichment Class for the 13-14 school year to address students’ 21st century learning skills. Students will use their provided technology to help them in the learning process. Math Enrichment (Tiered System)----> NEW ZERO PERIOD Math will be school wide and will include all teachers, all students, and all the time is to be protected and used for MATH PBL and Computers for use for ALL students at OMS---> 2nd nine weeks ELA leads, 3rd Nine Weeks Social Studies leads, and 4th Nine Science leads WHY-----> “Technology-infused interventions were the top model predictor of improved high stakes test scores, dropout rate reduction and improved discipline” “A test-reteach-retest model that targets and remediates individual skill weaknesses dramatically accelerates learning”

5 What does a day at OMS look like??? **NEW***Start of the day for the 2013-2014 school year: 7:00- students will be released from the buses to the Cafeteria and Gym 7:05- Students will report to teams. Students will remain in TEAM holding rooms until 7:15 7:15 ALL students will transition to 9th PERIOD to pick up laptop for the school day. Students will pick up their laptops and bags from 9th period and will remain in class until 7:22; go to Zero at 7:22 and have class STARTED at 7:25 Students that come into school after 7:25 will be considered tardy and report to TE until Zero period is over. They will also be referred to an administrator for the tardy.

6 It’s going to be a great year!

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