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Representing the child and defending its interests Hrefna Friðriksdóttir Conference on handling child evidence within the framework of a child-friendly.

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Presentation on theme: "Representing the child and defending its interests Hrefna Friðriksdóttir Conference on handling child evidence within the framework of a child-friendly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Representing the child and defending its interests Hrefna Friðriksdóttir Conference on handling child evidence within the framework of a child-friendly justice system Council of Europe – Council of the Baltic Sea States Tallinn 19-20 February 2015

2 Aim of presentation Outline how Iceland secures support for children as victims of serious abuse in order to ensure their participation or involvement in the neccessary procedures.  what is participation / involvement and representation?  how we ensure access to justice systems  how we ensure involvement in justice systems  critical thoughts

3 Participation and representation  Participation – art. 12 CRC  the right to be informed  the opportunity to speak  the demand to be heard =involved in the whole process  Representation  ensure involvement  strengthen involvement  empowerment

4 Iceland – access to justice Child Protection Case Criminal Case PARENTS  Art. 5 CRC  Parental responsibility  Legal guardians  Best interests of the child Mandatory reporting obligations General public Professionals Police CPS  conduct CPS investigation  request assistance from Children´s House  refer the case to the police for a parallel police investigation  can ensure interview of child without parental knowledge and consent  can remove the child from home and assume responsibilites

5 Iceland – involvement in justice (a special legal guardian a spokesperson) + Police Criminal Case Child Protection Case + CPS worker legal councel free of charge Children´s House Child experts (Judge)

6 Child Protection Case Criminal Case Parents Social worker Police Special guardian Legal council Spokesperson Judge Child expert Child Protection Case

7 Ensuring involvement - empowerment  who gives me information? when, how, about what …  whom do I speak to? when, where, how, about what …  who weighs my opinions?  who gives me feedback? =manage complex relationships

8 Thank you

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