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Honors Chemistry Heads South Fourth Period Honors Chemistry 1997-1998.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors Chemistry Heads South Fourth Period Honors Chemistry 1997-1998."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors Chemistry Heads South Fourth Period Honors Chemistry 1997-1998

2 Our Mission... To go to a learning environment outside of the high school. To learn in a fun and exiting way. To soak up the sun.

3 The YES Program Youth Education Series Nice instructors Great group handling

4 The Epcot Center The Land and Seas Seminar

5 Epcot: The Land The Land –Greenhouse –Hydroponics –“Environmentality”

6 Epcot: The Living Seas Sharks Dolphins Coral All types of Fish

7 Epcot: The World Showcase A look into different cultures from all over the world. A unique experience in every block. “A playground for the imagination.” Chemical reactions in fireworks

8 The Magic Kingdom Physics Seminar

9 Magic Kingdom: Space Mountain Hot Wheels Roller Coaster Physics Tests –Lights On –Lights Off –No Line!!!

10 Magic Kingdom: Alien Adventure Bi-aural sound Special Effects

11 Magic Kingdom: Carousel of Progress “Its a great big beautiful tomorrow, shining at the end of everyday. Its a great big beautiful tomorrow, and tomorrow’s just a day away.” SCRIM !!!

12 Magic Kingdom: Other Stuff Electromagnetic fields and movement Water pressure How structure is important to strength

13 Magic Kingdom: Haunted Mansion SCRIM !!!!!!!! The Great Hidden Mickey Search ‘98 Pepper’s Ghost Effect Use of color to stimulate fear Projection Imaging on non-flat surfaces

14 Magic Kingdom: Thunder Mountain G-force measurement using a gravimeter Inertia (Just plain old water fight fun)

15 Off To Discovery Island! Discovery Island Seminar

16 Discovery Island Animals –Rodent that shoots feces –Iago from Aladdin –Snakes –Birds galore

17 Discovery Island Plants –Man-made Rainforest –Botanical species recognition

18 Swimming with the Manatees The Homosassas Springs area Cold water, and warm, uh, wet suits

19 Cape Canaveral


21 The CineDome Largest IMAX theater in the world Spherical screen, nearly surrounded by picture for a real 3D effect “Africa: The Serengeti” Scrim !!!

22 Orlando Science Center An indoor tree, human body, lasers, and orbits Hours of fun in 30 minutes

23 The End of Paradise Many great things came out of our trip –A better understanding of applications of science and technology Getting back to the real world

24 Thank You

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