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Chapter 11 Vibrations & Waves

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1 Chapter 11 Vibrations & Waves

2 11.1 Simple Harmonic Motion
Hooke’s Law Repeated motion is “periodic motion”. Like a pendulum, back and forth over the same path. At equilibrium position, speed reaches maximum As the mass is pulled away, it displaces the spring to a certain distance, x = ? This exerts a force towards the equilibrium position.

3 At (b) force = 0 and so does displacement.
Acceleration also equals “0”. However, speed is at max due to momentum. At (c) due to momentum, mass overshoots equilibrium and compresses spring the other way.

4 At maximum displacement, spring force and acceleration reach a maximum
Beyond equilibrium the force and acceleration increase, however speed slows down. At maximum displacement, speed is 0 but acceleration and force are at max. Then, back and forth (oscillates). Friction brings the vibrating mass to rest (damping).

5 In simple harmonic motion, restoring force
is proportional to displacement This pushing and pulling is sometimes called “restoring force”, it is directly proportional to the displacement of a mass. Determined by Robert Hooke in 1678… The negative sign means that the spring force is opposite the direction the mass is displaced. Harmonic Motion Animation

6 k is the spring constant and is based on the stiffness of the spring in N/m.
The motion of the vibrating mass is an example of “simple harmonic motion” and any periodic motion that is a result of a restoring force. Spring Constant Animation

7 Practice A Hooke’s Law A mass of 0.55 kg, attached to a vertical spring, stretches the spring m from its original equilibrium position. What is the spring constant? Answer Given: m = 0.55 kg g = 9.81 m/s2 x = m Unknown: k = ? 270 N/m

8 A stretched or compressed spring has
elastic potential energy A bent bow is the same as a stretched spring. Stretched or compressed springs store elastic potential energy (PE). Once released the PE becomes KE, or moving arrow!

9 Inside

10 The Simple Pendulum The swinging motion of a pendulum is periodic vibration. A simple pendulum consists of a mass called a bob which is attached to a fixed string. The restoring force of a pendulum is a component of the bob’s weight If the restoring force is proportional to the displacement, then the pendulum’s motion is simple harmonic. Any displacement from equilibrium can be resolved with both the x and y components. Simple Pendulum Animation

11 For small angles, the pendulum’s motion is simple harmonic
When the maximum angle for displacement θ is relatively small (<150), sin θ is approximately equal in radians. Pendulum's motion is an excellent approximation of simple harmonic motion. Because a simple pendulum vibrates with simple harmonic motion, many of our earlier conclusions for a mass-spring system apply here.

12 Gravitational potential increases as a pendulum’s displacement increases
This diagram shows how a pendulum’s mechanical energy changes as the pendulum oscillates. As the pendulum swings toward equilibrium, it gains kinetic energy and losses potential energy.

13 Questions 1. Repeated motion is _______ motion. 2
Questions 1. Repeated motion is _______ motion. 2. When the mass/spring is at maximum displacement, speed is 0 but acceleration and force are at _____. 3. The motion of a vibrating mass is an example of “simple harmonic motion” and any periodic motion that is a result of a _________ force. 4. The restoring force of a pendulum’s motion is _______ 5. As the pendulum swings toward equilibrium, it gains kinetic energy and losses ________ energy. periodic max restoring gravity potential

14 11.2 Measuring Simple Harmonic Motion
Amplitude, Period, and Frequency A moving trapeze always returns to the same displacement from equilibrium, this is the amplitude. A pendulum’s amplitude can be measured by the angle between the pendulum’s equilibrium position and its maximum displacement. For a mass-spring system, this is its stretched or compressed position.

15 Period and frequency measure time
From one side of max displacement to the other, one complete cycle, is period, T If one complete cycle takes 20 seconds, then the period of motion is 20 s. The number of complete cycles in a unit of time is frequency. If it takes 20 s to complete one cycle, the frequency is 1/20 cycles or 0.05 cycles. Frequency is s-1 or hertz (Hz) So… -period is time per cycle -frequency is number of cycles per unit of time.

16 Animation

17 The period of a simple pendulum depends on pendulum length and free-fall acceleration
Simple pendulums and mass-spring systems vibrate with harmonic motion. To calculate period (T) and frequency ƒ in (Hz), requires a separate formula. A pendulum with the same length (L) but with bobs of two different masses or amplitude, the period will be the same. If free-fall acceleration (gravity) changes, so will the period.

18 When two pendulums have different lengths but the same amplitude, the shorter pendulum will have a smaller arc to travel through. Mass and amplitude do not affect the period for the same reason all objects fall at the same rate. The reason for this is, the more you increase the amplitude, the more restoring force there is (even though it has a greater distance to cover)

19 Practice B Simple Harmonic Motion of a Simple Pendulum
You need to know the height of a tower, but darkness obscures the ceiling. You note that a pendulum extending from the ceiling almost touches the floor and that it has a period of 12 s. How tall is the tower? Answer 36 m

20 Period of a mass-spring system depends on mass and spring constant
The period of a mass-spring system uses Hook’s Law. Because heavier objects have more inertia, they take longer to speed up. This causes them to have longer periods.

21 The greater the spring constant (k), the greater the force needed to stretch or compress the spring.
When force is great, so is the acceleration. This makes the time required to make one cycle less. So, stiff spring = short period. Also, changing amplitude does not effect the period.

22 Practice C Simple Harmonic Motion of a Mass-Spring System
The body of a 1275 kg car is supported on a frame by four springs. Two people riding in the car have a combined mass of 153 kg. When driven over a pothole in the road, the frame vibrates with a period of s. For the first few seconds, the vibration approximates simple harmonic motion. Find the spring constant of a single spring. Answer 20,000 N/m

23 Questions 1. A pendulum’s _________ can be measured by the angle between the pendulum’s equilibrium position and its maximum displacement. 2. The number of complete cycles in a unit of time is known as _________. 3. A pendulum with the same length but with bobs of two different masses or amplitude, the ______ will be the same. 4. Mass and amplitude (do / do not) affect the period of a pendulum. 5. The stiffer the spring, the (longer / shorter) the period. amplitude frequency period do not shorter

24 11.3 Properties of Waves Wave Motion
If there is a disturbance in a pond, you see a circular pattern move outward in all directions. If there is a leaf floating near by, it moves a little but does not travel with the wave. Breaking waves are different 

25 A wave is the motion of a disturbance
This disturbance causes the pattern to move out in a circular pattern. Water in the pond is the medium through which the disturbance travels. The medium (water) does not actually travel with the wave. Sound waves require air as their medium. In space there is no sound. Waves that require a material medium are called mechanical waves. Animation

26 Wave Types A wave that consists of a single traveling pulse is called a pulse wave. If you continue to generate pulses, this will create a periodic wave.

27 Sine waves describe particles vibrating with simple harmonic motion
Periodic waves can show simple harmonic motion on a string. A wave whose source vibrates with simple harmonic motion is called a sine wave. These are called sine waves because a graph of trigonometric function y = sin x produces this curve when plotted.

28 Vibrations of a transverse wave are perpendicular to the wave motion
When vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of the wave’s motion they are called transverse waves. Displacement of a single particle as time passes creates a wave form.

29 Wave measures include crest, trough, amplitude, and wavelength
A wave can be measured in terms of its displacement from equilibrium. The highest point is called the crest. The lowest point the trough. Remember, amplitude is a measure of maximum displacement from equilibrium. The distance the wave travels in one cycle along its path is called wavelength, (λ).

30 Vibrations of a longitudinal wave are parallel to the wave motion
When the displacement of the medium vibrates parallel to the direction of wave motion is called a longitudinal wave. Longitudinal waves can also be described by a sine curve. The type of wave represented above is often called a density or pressure wave. The crests are where the spring coils are compressed. Animation

31 Period, Frequency, and Wave Speed
Sound waves may begin with the vibrations of your vocal cords. The source of wave motion is a vibrating object. When the vibrating particles of the medium complete one full cycle, one wavelength passes any given point. Thus, wave frequency describes the number of waves that pass a given point in a unit of time. The period of a wave is the time required for one complete cycle of vibration of the mediums particles.

32 Wave speed equals frequency times wavelength
We can now derive an expression for the speed of a wave in terms of its period or frequency. Animation The speed of a mechanical wave is constant for any given medium. Even though all sounds are different, they reach your ears at the same speed. As a result, when the frequency increases its wavelength must decrease.

33 Practice D Wave Speed The piano string tuned to middle C vibrates with a frequency of 264 Hz. Assuming the speed of sound in air is 343 m/s, find the wavelength of the sound waves produced by the string. Answer 1.30 m

34 Waves transfer energy Waves transfer energy by the vibration of matter rather than by the transfer of matter itself. For this reason, waves are often able to transport energy efficiently. The rate at which a wave transfers energy depends on the amplitude, the greater the amplitude, the more energy carried in a given time interval. When the amplitude is doubled, the energy carried increases by a factor of 4.

35 Questions 1. Waves that require a material medium are called __________ waves. 2. A wave whose source vibrates with simple harmonic motion is called a _____ wave. 3. When the displacement of the medium vibrates parallel to the direction of wave motion is called a __________ wave When the frequency increases, its wavelength must? 5. When the amplitude is doubled, the energy carried increases by a factor of ______. mechanical sine longitudinal decrease. four

36 11.4 Wave Interactions Wave Interference
When two waves come together, they do not bounce back like bumper boats. With sound waves, you can distinguish the sounds of different instruments. This is because sound waves (mechanical waves) are not matter but displacements of matter. Two waves can occupy the same space at the same time. As they pass through one another, they interact to form an interference pattern.

37 Displacements in the same direction produce constructive interference
When two pulses meet, a resultant wave forms. The amplitude of the resultant wave is equal to the sum of the amplitudes of each pulse. Summing the displacements of waves is known as the superposition principle. After the two pulses pass, they have their original shape. If the displacements are on the same side of equilibrium, when added together, we get constructive interference.

38 Displacements in opposite directions produce destructive interference
The following shows what happens when pulses are on opposite sides of equilibrium. When the positive and negative displacements are added we get destructive interference. When two pulses coincide, their resultant wave can have a displacement of zero. This is known as complete destructive interference. Animation

39 The superposition principle is valid for longitudinal (compression) waves.
In a compression, particles move closer together, while rarefaction, particles spread apart. When a compression and rarefaction interfere, there is destructive interference. In the case of sound, these wave can cancel causing a lack of sound.

40 Reflection At a free boundary, waves are reflected
At a free boundary, the rope is free to move up and down sending the wave back in the same way. This is called reflection.

41 At a fixed boundary, waves are reflected and inverted
When the pulse reaches the wall, the pulse exerts an upward force on the wall. The wall in turn exerts an equal and opposite reaction force on the rope. As a result, the pulse is inverted.

42 Standing Waves Standing waves occur when a string is attached to one ridged end and shaken in a regular motion. This will produce a wave of a certain frequency, wavelength, and amplitude traveling down the string. As the waves reach the other end they are reflected back toward the oncoming waves. If the string is vibrated at a certain frequency, a standing wave or resultant wave pattern appears on the string. The standing wave consists of alternating regions of constructive and destructive interference.

43 Standing waves have nodes and antinodes
Four possible standing waves are shown below. Points where complete destructive interference happen are called nodes. Midway between two adjacent nodes, where the string vibrates with the largest amplitude are the antinodes. In the second example below, on the right, shows where there are 3 nodes(N) and 2 antinodes(A). Animation

44 Only certain frequencies, and wavelengths, produce standing waves.
A standing wave can only be produced for any wavelength that allows both ends of the string to be nodes. Example (b) is half a wave length, so to find wave length you multiply the string length by two (2L). Example (c) is one wave length so we just use (L). Example (d) has 4 nodes and 3 antinodes. We would have to go another half wavelength to have two full wave lengths. In this case, to find the length of one wave, we just multiply by (2/3L).

45 Questions 1. Sound waves (mechanical waves) are not matter but _____________ of matter. 2. In a compression, particles move closer together, while __________, particles spread apart. 3. At a free boundary, the rope is free to move up and down sending the wave back in the same way, this is called _________. 4. Midway between two adjacent nodes, where the string vibrates with the largest amplitude are the _________ If a standing wave is half a wave length, to find its wave length you multiply the string length by ____. displacements rarefaction reflection antinodes two

46 End

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