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C OMMON L OGICAL F ALLACIES English 9-12. O VERGENERALIZATION : Statements that are so general that they oversimplify reality.

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Presentation on theme: "C OMMON L OGICAL F ALLACIES English 9-12. O VERGENERALIZATION : Statements that are so general that they oversimplify reality."— Presentation transcript:


2 O VERGENERALIZATION : Statements that are so general that they oversimplify reality.

3 B EGGING THE QUESTION : When arguing a claim, instead of supplying additional grounds supporting the claim - one simply assumes the validity of the claim he/she is making.

4 L OADED LANGUAGE : Words with strong positive or negative connotations that unfairly frame words into limited or biased contexts.

5 F ALSE ANALOGY An elaborate comparison of two things that are too dissimilar.

6 S TRAW MAN Attacking an exaggerated or caricatured version of your opponent's position.

7 G ENETIC FALLACY An idea is either accepted or rejected because of its source, rather than its merit.

8 G UILT BY ASSOCIATION When the writer uses an unfair attempt to make someone responsible for the beliefs or actions of others.

9 A D POPULUM Trying to prove something by showing that the public agrees.

10 R ED HERRING I ntroducing irrelevant facts or arguments to distract from the question at hand.

11 N ON SEQUITOR Stating, as a conclusion, something that does not strictly follow from the premises.

12 RATIONALIZATION Perceived controversial behaviors or feelings are explained in a rational or logical manner to avoid the true explanation.

13 S LIPPERY SLOPE An argument that says adopting one policy or taking one action will lead to a series of other policies or actions also being taken.

14 C ARD STACKING Concealing, withholding, or ignoring evidence, or selecting only that evidence favorable to your side.

15 A D IGNORATIUM Assuming something is true simply because it hasn't been proven false. Appeal to ignorance

16 P OST HOC Assuming that A caused B simply because A happened prior to B. “More and more young people are attending high schools and colleges today than ever before. Yet there is more juvenile delinquency and more alienation among the young. This makes it clear that these young people are being corrupted by their education.”

17 EQUIVOCATION (1) twisting a secondary meaning of a word and claiming that it has the same weight as another meaning. (2) Using doublespeak; trying to hide the truth behind a euphemism or passive voice.

18 A D BACULUM based upon the appeal of force or threats in order to bring about the acceptance of a claim.

19 A D HOMINEM attacking the character or motives of a person who has stated an idea, rather than the idea itself

20 A D MISERICORDIAM An argument that appeals to pity.

21 P LAIN FOLKS An attempt to convince the public that his/her views reflect those of the common person and that they are also working for the benefit of the common person.

22 S NOB APPEAL Stating that a claim is accurate simply because someone famous, scholarly, aristocratic believes it.

23 T U QUOQUE Defending an error in one's reasoning by pointing out that one's opponent has made the same error.

24 F ALSE DILEMMA Claiming that there are only two alternatives to choose from when in fact there are many options; refusing to see gray areas.

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