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1 1 Fallacies UNCLASSIFIED The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED /FOUO.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 Fallacies UNCLASSIFIED The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED /FOUO."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 Fallacies UNCLASSIFIED The overall classification of this briefing is UNCLASSIFIED /FOUO

2 2 2 Fallacies Fallacies are... – Statements, claims, premises, or arguments – Intended to serve as evidence – Intended to lead to certain conclusions – Reflect a error in reasoning Error in Reasoning – Inadequate proof of a premise – Invalid conclusions from the evidence provided Usually reflect the biases of the presenter – Thought rigor and threshold of proof lowered because the conclusion fits the presenter's vision

3 3 3 Intentional or Unintentional Fallacies - both knowingly and unknowingly offered Intentional – Presenter knows his arguments contain fallacies – Fallacies purposefully used to sway an audience – Exposure of a fallacy usually met by defensiveness or another line of attack Unintentional – Presenter is unaware that his argument contains fallacies – Fallacy presented as a point to consider – Exposure of the fallacy usually results in both acknowledgement and appreciation from the presenter

4 4 4 Why Feel compelled to provide a quick answer – Do all birds fly? – Quick answer - Yes – Inadequate consideration of the issue

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