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The Signmaker’s Assistant Vocabulary and Amazing Words

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1 The Signmaker’s Assistant Vocabulary and Amazing Words
Second Grade Reading

2 Vocabulary idea important blame signmaker townspeople afternoon
assistant wisdom feverishly

3 idea A thought or an opinion.

4 important To be taken seriously.

5 blame To say that something is someone’s fault.

6 signmaker Someone who makes signs or public notices that give information.

7 townspeople People who live in a town.

8 afternoon The time of day between noon and night.

9 assistant Someone who helps someone else do a job.

10 wisdom Knowledge based on experience.

11 feverishly Done with great excitement or activity.

12 Amazing Words apologize citizen judgment hoard scold interrupt protest

13 apologize When you say you are sorry for doing or saying something that has upset someone.

14 citizen If you were born in a country you are legally accepted by a country.

15 judgment When people make decisions about what is sensible.

16 hoard To collect something and store it away.

17 scold To tell someone off or discipline them.

18 interrupt To stop someone who is talking or you stop something that is happening.

19 protest To tell or show you disagree about something you think is not right.

20 troublemaker Someone who intentionally causes difficulties or problems.

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