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“To Dream The Impossible Dream” Summation of presentation by Steve Lyons, Tropical Weather Expert The Weather Channel 61 st IHC Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "“To Dream The Impossible Dream” Summation of presentation by Steve Lyons, Tropical Weather Expert The Weather Channel 61 st IHC Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 “To Dream The Impossible Dream” Summation of presentation by Steve Lyons, Tropical Weather Expert The Weather Channel 61 st IHC Conference

2 In An Ideal World Barriers islands as the seashore Hurricane proof homes Rapid hurricane recovery for all states Power Grid that is impervious to hurricane winds Mobile homes must have safety features Minimize evacuees and educate the public on sheltering in place when possible

3 In The Real World Application of a band aid on a gaping hole Re-emphasis on disaster mitigation vs. recovery Mobile homes & FEMA trailers that are vulnerable to tornadoes Building homes that are hurricane Proof Private sector and public greed

4 “Making The Dream A Reality” What Can Be Done to Motivate Mitigation? How Do We Convince the Public to Become Prepared? How Can Private Industry and Government Promote Incentives for Mitigation? How Do We Stop Scams that Pray on the Vulnerable?

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