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Single Family Rehab Roundtable WEIGH IN ON REDESIGN.

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Presentation on theme: "Single Family Rehab Roundtable WEIGH IN ON REDESIGN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Single Family Rehab Roundtable WEIGH IN ON REDESIGN

2 DISCUSSION TIME Topics:  Funding Issues  Targeted Homeowners  Targeted Units  Rehab Standards  Other Issues

3 STOP! The next slide contains information gleaned from previous SFR Roundtables. Only move forward when the Discussion Time is complete.

4 2015 NCCDA & Phranc Spring Conference, 5/22/15, 31 attendees Min/Max per Partner ◦Allow regional applications at 160 thousand per included county. 1 application for multi-county. Fix Vs Pool ◦Keep the pool ◦Love pool gives opportunity ◦Like pool max out at 15 per grant ◦Keep Loan Pool ◦Case by case flexibility on increasing max ◦Continue cost allocation and pool ◦Mix, weighted more to pool, those who do get ◦Mix of fixed amount into loan pool ◦Like the Loan Pool ◦Like the Loan Pool, reward efficiency and effectiveness ◦Like the Loan Pool approach ◦Like the Loan Pool

5 5/22/15 Min/Max per Unit, Fix Vs Average ◦20K URP with no 30% income requirement ◦Make max 50K we can spend ◦SFR amount – 50K + ◦Allow an average per unity funding limit Target Homeowners ◦Not elderly and disabled only ◦30% and 50% LMI ◦Target homeowners 60% LMI ◦More flexibility in selecting homeowners ◦Eliminate special needs requirement ◦Target less than 50% ◦80% LMI – Stay with it ◦Help all people below 80% ◦Less restrictive special needs for homeowners ◦Cap at 50% median ◦Drop “elderly” to 60 ◦For children under 6 in pre 78 allow with minimal lead result. 6

6 5/22/15 Comp Vs Essential ◦Like “Essential” Rehab – based on homeowner needs ◦Only target homeowner needs, main issues! ◦Target Homes ◦Allow broad program from 5K URP to 45K SFR ◦Target needs of homeowners ◦Essential Rehab - what is needed ◦Do $ 35,000 Homes with SS requirements Unit Requirements ◦Mobile Home Help ◦Replacement vs repair ◦Mobile homes on fixed foundations? ◦Less energy regs equals more homes to potentially be served. What is the end goal? Serve public or serve regs ◦Homeowner and home qualifications better matched to standard requirements ◦Cut the requirements so you can do more homes ◦Eliminate HPwES – Go back to a practical energy efficiency rehab standard ◦What is essential need? Just fix that ◦What to do with a home beyond money available in URP/SFR, but need a better home! Early 1900’s – Home to something better

7 5/22/15 Other ◦Other Quicker Response Re: HPwES ◦URP increase to BURP ($ 20K) ◦Increase URP ◦No regional apps; local, govt, non-profits won’t benefit ◦Get rid of Advanced Energy ◦Raise URP limit some homes fall in between ◦Reduce recapture period to 10 years max ◦Higher URP Limits URP service area expand county # limits ◦Increase URP cost and eliminate SFR

8 Round Table at Western Piedmont COG, 8/20/15, 13 attendees ISSUES o Evaluate HPwES impact Compare 2012 (Blaster door/ bills/sq. ft.) to 13’s and 14’s. Does HPwES really improve work? o Shrinking contractor rosters with increasing standards o I like that NCHFA does the title work and provides most forms o Energy Standards push back by contractor o Do small rehabs that don’t have to meet energy standards but can spend more than o $ 8,000 but only up to $ 20,000? o Hard time finding houses to meet program guidelines

9 8/20/15 ISSUES, continued o Takes too long to get requisition funds back o Allow more time to get into the pool o HPwES makes life harder. Takes too long to get requested $ back o Failed units costs money o Get rid of HPwES or at least get rid of the HPwES and Advanced Energy Inspections o Can’t bring homes to last 20 years as wanted with increased costs of doing business and materials o Delay in receiving payments for partners frustrating for contractors o HPwES Certificate?

10 8/20/15 MONEY o Keep the Pool o Keep the pool love it. (Any version ok) o Raise limit of hard cost per house o Reduce $$ per house o Challenges finding homes in certain counties that can be brought to standards with max funds o Increase money per house o Need more money o Funding level: hard to do rehab & energy work, loss of HELP Funds hurt Program o Create base pool amounts exceed past year numbers! If you do 8 SFRLP13’s you get a bigger base than those who did 3

11 8/20/15 PROGRESS o Do not turn SFR into URP o Allow demo, replace with mobile home o Eliminate special needs or add more, many applicants meet eligibility but are not elderly or disabled o Please do no merge URP into SFR (In some places the URP is handled by our partners) o Allow home replacement or reconstruction for dilapidated homes and old manufactured homes o Since scattered site is gone, a reconstitution program for replacement housing (Especially mobile homes) o Tilt the program toward disabled homeowners and older homeowners

12 8/22/15 STANDARDS o Maintain focus on health, safety and durability o Different Standards for homes pre 78 o Back off the energy stuff o Sometimes I think the house is too tight not enough air flow o Do away with advanced energy and other inspector o Reduce standards to allow CDBG type home to be rehabbed no replacement homes o Bring back blower door test standards o Focus on warranty length of items vs the SEER rating (for example) or E Star for example

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