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RATES AND RATIOS UNIT Day 2:. WARM UP – PAGE 11 Write the date in upper right corner: SEPTEMBER 16, 2015 Write the Essential Question on the top of page.

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Presentation on theme: "RATES AND RATIOS UNIT Day 2:. WARM UP – PAGE 11 Write the date in upper right corner: SEPTEMBER 16, 2015 Write the Essential Question on the top of page."— Presentation transcript:


2 WARM UP – PAGE 11 Write the date in upper right corner: SEPTEMBER 16, 2015 Write the Essential Question on the top of page 11: How do you visually show equivalent ratios? Answer the following on page 11:  Write a one-sentence story problem about a ratio.  Write your ratio two different ways.  We will share some examples with the class. Be ready to share. When others are sharing write their ratio on your whiteboard.

3 GOING OVER OUR HOMEWORK PROTOCOL 1. Show everyone kindness and respect. 2. Listen to Mrs. S. to decide who goes first. 3. When it is your turn, share your answer and ask if anyone has questions. Use the whiteboard to show and justify your work and answers (if appropriate). 4. Move around your table group clockwise. 5. Everyone shares – no passing. 6. Correct and write notes to yourself as needed. 7. Show all of your work!! 8. Write Problem Problems on the board to solve as a whole class.

4 HOMEWORK CHECK  Starting with the SPADE seat, share your answers to the worksheet  Are there any questions your group cannot answer?


6 EXAMPLE 1  Shanni and Mel are using ribbon to decorate a project in their art class. The ratio of the length of Shanni’s ribbon to the length of Mel’s ribbon is 7:3.  How can you draw a picture to show this relationship in your quadbook?

7 EXERCISE 2  Mason and Laney ran laps to train for the long-distance running team. The ratio of the number of laps Mason ran to the number of laps Laney ran was 2 to 3. a. If Mason ran 4 miles, how far did Laney run? Draw a diagram to demonstrate how you found your answer. b. If Laney ran 930 meters, how far did Mason run? Draw a diagram to determine how you found the answer. c. What ratios can we say are equivalent to 2:3?

8 EXERCISE 3  Josie took a long multiple-choice, end-of-year vocabulary test. The ratio of the number of problems Josie got incorrect to the number of problems she got correct is 2:9. a. If Josie missed 8 questions, how many did she get correct? Draw a diagram to demonstrate how you found the answer. b. If Josie missed 20 questions, how many did she get correct? Draw a diagram to demonstrate how you found the answer. c. What ratios can we say are equivalent to 2:9? d. Come up with another possible ratio of the number Josie got incorrect to the number she got correct. e. How did you find the numbers? f. Describe how to create equivalent ratios.

9 HOMEWORK  Day 3 Worksheet


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