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Samantha Baker & Chris Dore UK Government & Emissions Inventory The Importance of Emission Projections.

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Presentation on theme: "Samantha Baker & Chris Dore UK Government & Emissions Inventory The Importance of Emission Projections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Samantha Baker & Chris Dore UK Government & Emissions Inventory The Importance of Emission Projections

2 Focus on Projections TFEI P Emission projections form the basis of national and international policy & commitments Country specific projections from member states- need for completeness, consistency and accuracy The task force, and a need for including general discussion on projections Stakeholders Members States, national & industry representatives Projections assessment (IIASA) Modelling community (TFIAM, MCS-W, MSC-E etc.) European Commission Identifying Issues & Finding Solutions A forum for discussing “issues and problems” in a constructive way Identifying actions to provide improvements… and maybe even solutions!

3 Programme for Today SCENE SETTING European legislative, policy and research drivers for projections TFIAM, DG ENV, UNFCCC Coffee TOOLS & MODELS RAINS, PRIMES, CAPRI Lunch NATIONAL PERSPECTIVES UK, Spain, Italy, Canada & USA Coffee PERSPECTIVES FROM OTHER ORGANISATIONS EURELECTRIC, NERI, CEH, MSC-W/EMEP DISCUSSION (18:00 Close)

4 Programme for Tomorrow DEVELOPMENTS IN PROJECTIONS ASSESSMENT RAINS, TREMOVE, NARSES Coffee REGIONAL SCALE PROJ. & REVISED GUIDELINES Regional scale developments, Italy Revised Reporting Guidelines CLOSING SESSION & PLENARY Findings and conclusions from the workshop Identifying actions/solutions to allow improvements Lunch (12:00)

5 Workshop Format Timings Full Agenda Questions & Discussion Plenty of time allocated for discussion Please feel free to contribute! Name and institute/country Mobile phones Reporting back to the TFEIP Rapporteur, Marc Deslauriers

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