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EGR 301 Applications for ARIMA Simulations.

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1 EGR 301 Applications for ARIMA Simulations






7 Stabilizing the time series Simulating the time series

8 Purpose Parameterize the accelerogram. Relate parameters to source and site parameters. Simulate acceleration histories. Note Include cross-correlation for components and sites. Include parameter uncertainty to create CI envelopes. Used a frequency-constrained ARMA (2,2).

9 SCTI (recorded) Simulated (simulated)

10 Reliability-based Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants

11 Influent Effluent

12 1. Simulate influent BOD mass loading Model (1-  B)(1-  B 7 )Z t = C + a t Application Reliability-based design

13 2. Simulate upsets When BOD/(NH 3 +TON) > 10  upset BOD and NH 3 are positively correlated. Model (1-  B)(1-  B 7 )Z t = C + a t Diagonal, multivariate Application Reliability-based design Note: multi. ARMA predicts half of univ. upsets.

14 3. Plant operation Permit: Weekly BOD effluent average < 20 mg/l 90% of time. Question: What should BOD effluent be? Model: (1-  B)ln(Z t ) = C + a t From simulations take weekly averages. (Present mean/present 99% reliability value) = (target mean/permit value) 3.14/5.9 = target mean/20  target mean = 10.6 mg/l Note: assume constant coefficient of variation (  )


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