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Published byMarvin Poole Modified over 9 years ago
Universal Design for Learning: The Magic Umbrella for All Learners
Nancy & Rose Universal Design for Learning: The Magic Umbrella for All Learners Rose Racicot, MS, OTR/L Nancy Shimeall, MEd, NBCT Kent School District
Objectives for this session:
Nancy Objectives for this session: Become familiar with principles of Universal Design for Learning See examples of UDL in lesson design Identify what you already do that is UDL, and brainstorm where you might insert flexible materials
Universal Design – history
Rose Universal Design – history First: The American Disabilities Act prompted rethinking about architectural design for disabled individuals. Now: UDL has been applied to education because the technology is more available and provides more access for all learners. Next: The concept of UDL was applied to communication - web page designs, TTY telephone access, voice recognition software, etc. Video from Nonprofit CAST= the Center for Applied Special Technology
Legislation laying the foundation for UDL
Rose Legislation laying the foundation for UDL No Child Left Behind (NCLB) – Requirement for schools to document Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) ALL students expected to make progress Evidence –based teaching strategies Individuals with Disabilities Act –(2004) IDEIA ( Trend toward full inclusion General education teachers taking ownership of ALL diverse learners
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is compatible
Nancy Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is compatible Embedding flexible strategies into classroom activities An umbrella for any educational approach or practice such as: RTI, SIOP, UBD, Multiple Intelligences Differentiated Instruction Gardner, Marzano, Best Practice Research 21st Century Skills
Universal Design for Learning is familiar
Nancy Universal Design for Learning is familiar Based on the premise that there is no one kind of learning Learning differs across tasks Learning differs across development Learning differs across individuals
Universal Design for Learning Principles
Nancy Universal Design for Learning Principles Provide students with multiple means of Representation - Accessing information Expression – of knowledge based on student’s unique viewpoint Engagement - with the curriculum Video from Nonprofit CAST= the Center for Applied Special Technology
Multiple Means of Representation for students to access information
Rose Multiple Means of Representation for students to access information Visual presentations – i.e. Discovery Education Streaming videos, teacher created visuals Enlarged print, use of color , & design – i.e. Readability tool Audio text support – i.e. ReadPlease, WebAnywhere, WYNN, Co:Writer, Clicker 5 Multimedia presentations – PhotoStory 3, Clicker 5, Powerpoint, SMART Notebook Internet links to background information
Multiple Means of Expression for students to demonstrate learning
Rose Graphic tools – i.e. Inspiration, Kidspiration, Word tools Keyboarding with spelling supports – i.e. Co:Writer, MS Word spellcheck, WYNN, word banks Narration, audio recording, podcasts Multimedia tools- i.e. PowerPoint, Photostory 3, Clicker 5, Inspiration, SMART Notebook 3-D models Artistic displays – i.e. drawings, collages, paintings Data displays – i.e. graphs and charts
Multiple Means of Engagement
Nancy Infused throughout your classroom Student choices Audio/visual/hands on SMART Response clickers Multimedia Project-based inquiry , blogging, wikis Collaborative learning
Why Universal Design for Learning?
Nancy Why Universal Design for Learning? Teachers are accountable for the learning of diverse students: Learning disabilities Sensory and physical disabilities English language barriers Background and cultural diversity Emotional or behavioral problems Lack of interest or motivation
The Science behind Universal Design for Learning
Rose The Science behind Universal Design for Learning Brain Networks – each person is unique Show video Recognition Networks – The way we gather facts (What) Strategic Networks – The way we plan and perform tasks (How) Affective Network – The way we are engaged and motivated (Why)
Theory to Practice: How to implement UDL
Nancy Theory to Practice: How to implement UDL Curriculum needs to incorporate flexible materials Teachers need to be proactive rather than reactive after students falter General educators and special educators must collaborate Embed UDL concepts to release the learning potential of ALL your students.
Theory to practice: Technology is a tool
Nancy Theory to practice: Technology is a tool Technology makes teaching and learning more adaptable to meet the needs of each student Technology is multi-modal for all learning styles Technology saves teachers time and increases efficiency Technology puts learning in the hands of students
Nancy Theory to Practice: How might UDL look in your classroom? Where do your students need more flexible materials? Examples of UDL Lessons Planning Table Resource Handout
Representation: Screenreaders
Rose ReadPlease 2003 is a FREE downloadable screenreader
Representation: Reading on the Web with screenreaders
Rose Representation: Reading on the Web with screenreaders Example: WYNN Wizard software with webmasking FREE online Screenreader: Webanywhere
Representation, Engagement, & Expression: WYNN Wizard Software
Rose Representation, Engagement, & Expression: WYNN Wizard Software Novel with interactive vocabulary lesson
Representation and Expression: Clicker 5 multimedia writing support
Rose Students then write about the subject with custom wordbank, pictures and speech feedback support Students listen and read literature on a subject first to gain ideas.
Expression: Co:Writer Word Prediction Software
Rose Expression: Co:Writer Word Prediction Software
Representation, Engagement, & Expression: Inspiration…
Nancy … Photo Story 3 …
Nancy … Photo Story 3 …
…and Discovery Education
Nancy …and Discovery Education Build Background Multi-modal presentation of new info
UDL helps ensure success for all students
Rose UDL helps ensure success for all students Ensure adaptations are readily available for all students to access curriculum Make electronic text available for students who need it (National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard - NIMAS) New textbooks published after Dec 2006 must now be available in digital format Look up Nimas words
Enhance your Teaching Effectiveness for ALL Learning Styles
Rose Enhance your Teaching Effectiveness for ALL Learning Styles Think Universal Design for Learning Frontload accessible technologies into the curriculum
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