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Welcome to our school Istituto Meneghini di Edolo

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our school Istituto Meneghini di Edolo"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our school Istituto Meneghini di Edolo

2 Our school This is our school. It is light blue and quite big. There is a large courtyard in front of it.

3 Our school In our school there are about 500 students, most of them live in the villages nearby. They get to school by coach or by train.

4 Branches of Study Lyceum - Scientific Lyceum - Sportive Lyceum Technical School Departments of - Chemistry - Building Construction - Business Administration -Tourism - Agriculture and Environment - Electrical and Electronic course Vocational Education

5 Scientific Lyceum

6 Sportive Lyceum

7 Course of Building Construction The course educates students to manage building and construction projects from start to finish on behalf of owners.

8 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION It includes courses in Accounting Finance Information Systems Economics Mathematics. Marketing

9 Tourism Course This course gives students the basics in navigating the travel and tourism industry. Students in these classes learn : English, German and French.

10 Course in Agriculture and Environment Agricultural study courses include:. forestry. horticulture,. viticulture

11 The Greenhouse The research topics involve activities in the areas of:. Climate change. Renewable energies. Quality of products. The study of mountain environments. The management of mountain ecosystems.

12 ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC COURSE The goal of the course is to ensure the growth of skill and knowledge in the electricity- related technical professions.


14 Drawing Room

15 Chemistry Laboratory

16 Physics laboratory

17 Language laboratory

18 Computer Laboratory

19 Corridors

20 Gym There are two gyms, where you can play soccer and volleyball.

21 Cafeteria There is also a Cafeteria where you can have a break and enjoy your lunch.

22 Study Tours & School Trips

23 Projects We take part in National and International Projects and Competitions.

24 Thank you for your attention Have a nice day

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