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WELCOME TO: BIOCHEMISTRY 410 Sections 501, 502, 503, 504 E.D. Harris, Professor Alfredo Hernandez T.A. Aaron Smith, T.A.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO: BIOCHEMISTRY 410 Sections 501, 502, 503, 504 E.D. Harris, Professor Alfredo Hernandez T.A. Aaron Smith, T.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO: BIOCHEMISTRY 410 Sections 501, 502, 503, 504 E.D. Harris, Professor Alfredo Hernandez T.A. Aaron Smith, T.A.

2 Prerequisites Grade of C or better in 5 hours of organic chemistry Prior knowledge of functional groups –carboxylalkanes (saturated) –aminealkenes (unsaturated) –aldehyderedox chemistry –estersalcohols Fundamental understanding of chemical bonding

3 Textbooks


5 Exams will be on Monday 7:00-8:00 pm Room 108

6 Grade/Exams Grades in this course will be based on your performance relative to the class as a whole. Students must take all exams at the scheduled time A = Minimum 20 points above class average You may estimate your grade for an exam as follows: B = Minimum 10 points above class average C = Minimum 10 points below class average D = Minimum 20 points below class average F = More than 20 points below class average

7 Philosophy: What a student has learned in a course is best told by the performance on the final exam. Dropping an exam will give students who“hang in there”the opportunity to make past amends. Your Final Grade will be computed by dropping the lowest score and substituting the point value on the final scaled to a 100 point test

8 Makeup Exam Options A student who misses an exam and has a University-Excused absence may: 1. Take a makeup exam within two weeks or 2. Request that the points on the final, scaled to 100 points, substitute for the missed exam

9 100 150 + 50 100 200 300 500 450 (90%) 400 (80%) 350 (70%) 300 (60%)D C B A

10 WebCT and Neo Exam and Quiz Grades will be posted on Must have a neo account to access PowerPoint slides can be downloaded and printed out for lecture Link to syllabus, tutorials, exam prep sheets, old exams, course calendar

11 Recitation Sections Review lecture material Answer questions, work problems Quizzes every other session, 5 will count 10% of grade points

12 Recitation Sections Section 501Monday 5:00-5:50 WCBA 105 Section 502Tuesday 4:00-4:50 WCBA 105 Section 503Wednesday 6:00-6:50 WCBA 105 Section 504Thursday 5:00-5:50 WCBA 105 WCBA = Wehner College of Business Administration

13 Links WebCT “links” to access  Grade Book  Lecture Slides  Tutorials  Old Exams WebCT “links” to access  Grade Book  Lecture Slides  Tutorials  Old Exams

14 Course Topics 1. Basics of bonding, energy, and buffers 3. Nucleic Acids with emphasis on DNA 2. Amino acids, peptides and proteins 4. Carbohydrates: mono- and polysaccharides 5. Lipids and membranes 6. Enzymes: properties, kinetics, inhibition 7. DNA replication and repair 8. Transcription and RNA processing 9. Protein biosynthesis

15 Biochemistry 410 Road Map Basics Amino Acids Proteins Enzymes Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids DNA structure Replication and repair RNA structure Peptides Hemoglobin Membranes Exam 1 Exam 2Exam 3 Final Exam: All above including RNA processing, protein biosynthesis and genetic regulation

16 Emphasis of the Course Understanding, not memory Structures, not words Insights, not familiarities Application, not theory

17 Please... turn cell phones off or Set on BUZZ. When in class All cell phones must be off during exams and quizzes

18 This course will adhere to the Aggie Honor Code “An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do 1.Violators subject to reprimand 2.Honor’s Council effective September 1, 2004 3.F* on transcript 4.Recorded as “failing because of academic dishonesty” 5.Applies to exams, quizzes

19 Dear Dr. Harris: I am writing to tell you how much I enjoyed your biochemistry course. It has made me a new person. I can honestly say it has left a lasting impression on me! I will never be the same. Sincerely, One of your former students

20 So, it time to charge, full speed Ahead 410







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