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Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey Use of CHASE assessment tool with EMODNet Chemistry data EMODnet Chemistry Martin M. Larsen, Aarhus University.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey Use of CHASE assessment tool with EMODNet Chemistry data EMODnet Chemistry Martin M. Larsen, Aarhus University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey Use of CHASE assessment tool with EMODNet Chemistry data EMODnet Chemistry Martin M. Larsen, Aarhus University Jesper H. Andersen, Tore Høgåsen NIVA Denmark

2 Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey Test run with all Danish data: Current status # data“good”“modererate”“bad” Water (not shown) 138 00 Sediments 6247132 Biota 1129958 Biological-effects 15960

3 Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey The CHASE model: What is CHASE For each contaminant measured, calculate the ratio to a threshold value (CR): For each substance group, calculate the Contaminant Score (CS): Contaminant scores was collected for water, biota, sediment and biological effects

4 Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey Examples of thresholds

5 Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey The CS for each Data type: Sediment Biota Bio. Marker

6 Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey The CS for each Data type: All together

7 Example of result list: Name/codeWaterSedimentsBiotaBio-effectsFINAL 37-27 0-0.194-HIGH 37-31 00.048--HIGH 37-32 00.0240.107-HIGH 38-27 0-46.013-BAD 38-31 00.807--GOOD 38-34 0-0.0050.1HIGH 41-23 0-1.055-MODERATE 41-24 00.6250.166-HIGH 41-32 01.944--MODERATE 41-33 01.2760.116-HIGH 42-23 00.89310.634-BAD 42-26 01.8580.406-MODERATE 42-27 00.2470.627-GOOD 43-27 00.8830.128-GOOD 43-28 00.5251.11-MODERATE 44-22 01.417--MODERATE 44-24 0-9.976-POOR 44-31 01.6180.304-MODERATE 45-24 01.1150.152-MODERATE 45-25 073.5660.009-BAD 45-26 0-13.418-BAD 45-28 0--1.061MODERATE 45-39 0-0.6750.771GOOD 46-25 00.60.5121.317MODERATE 47-25 06.42735.5491.483BAD 50-23 00.796105.915-BAD 51-28 00.9280.1511.089MODERATE 51-29 00.44287.7981.061BAD

8 Summary of results: Sampling matrixStatus class Assessment units Grand total Denmark - Open seaDenmark - Coastal SedimentHigh037 Good010 Moderate013 Poor011 Bad011 Sediment total062 BiotaHigh083 Good016 Moderate055 Poor022 Bad066 Biota total 0112 Bio-effectsHigh336 Good033 Moderate066 Poor000 Bad000 Bio-effects total31215 IntegratedHigh39598 Good017 Moderate018 Poor022 Bad066 Integrated total3138141

9 Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey So what happened: Combining sediment, biota and biological effects Better geographical coverage Sediment and Biological effect data available for open sea Easy to include water data Only works if Threshold values are comparable ! Several stations can be included in each ”assessment unit” (typically 20x20 km grid coastal)

10 How to procede: Aggree on substances and thresholds (sea-wise) Currently Cd, Pb, Hg, PAHs, TBT others ? EU EQS limits ”natural” for EU areas (Baltic, North Sea), combined with OSPAR/HELCOM assessment criteria Is the classification suggested ok or use other limits? 0,5 (High)– 1 (Good) – 5 (Poor) – 10 (Bad) Include local/national limits for other areas/parameters And when it all have been integrated… Decide if combined CHASE results can be DIVA’ed Annual Meeting, June 15-16 2015, Istanbul, Turkey Planning for the last year

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