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 Look at the following pictures.  What comes to mind?

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2  Look at the following pictures.  What comes to mind?

3 Interrogation Annoyance Imagination Survival Talent Helpfulness Rewarding Surprise Loyalty Improvisation

4  Interrogation  Annoyance  Imagination  Survival  Talent  Rewarding  Helpfulness  Surprise  Loyalty  Improvisation

5  When we think of ‘drama’, we often think only of the end result: acting in a performance.  But drama has many different elements, all of which can be used in our learning.

6 Drama Improve your English Language Performance

7 What is Drama?  Drama is holistic.  Drama puts language into context.  Drama encourages positive relationships.  Drama helps interpersonal & intrapersonal intelligence.  Drama engcourages adventurous thought.  Drama give a sense of achievement and success.

8 What is involved?  Creating characters (mental & physical)  Creating mood and atmosphere  Writing & Reading a script  Dialogue & Voice control  Music: Song & Dance  Making costumes and scenery  Using props

9 13 simple steps  Step 1: Use movement and language  Step 2: Add characters  Step 3: Develop the characters  Step 4: Add location  Step 5: Add voice control  Step 6: Add mood  Step 7: Add mine

10  Step 8: Add story  Step 9: Add music  Step 10: Add song  Step 11: Add dance  Step 12: Add costumes and props  Step 13: Prepare to perform

11 Drama Presentation - we need to:  Do research Work: Historical background  Learn how to write a script  Learn how to present and put on a play  Make the video and Assess our work Trinity Certification - we need to:  Improve our Speaking skills for formal topic presentation  Improve Listening Skills

12  Interrogation  Annoyance  Imagination  Survival  Talent  Rewarding  Helpfulness  Surprise  Loyalty  Improvisation

13 Comments & Suggestions

14  See you on Tuesday 17 April 2012  Don’t forget ideas for the play: ◦ Which historical backgrounds do you want to cover? ◦ Who are the main characters you want to represent for each historical period?

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