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COP1220/CGS2423 Introduction to C++/ C for Engineers Professor: Dr. Miguel Alonso Jr. Fall 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "COP1220/CGS2423 Introduction to C++/ C for Engineers Professor: Dr. Miguel Alonso Jr. Fall 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 COP1220/CGS2423 Introduction to C++/ C for Engineers Professor: Dr. Miguel Alonso Jr. Fall 2008

2 Outline Input, Processing, Output The Programming Process Procedural and Object Oriented Programming The Parts of a C++ Program The cout Object The #include Directive Variable and Literals Identifiers Data Types: Integers, char, floating point, bool

3 Input, Processing, Output The three primary activities of a program are input, processing, and output Input: the information the program collects from the outside world -> sent by user, disk, hardware, internet, etc. Processing: some calculation, computation, or manner of using the information gathered Output: info program sends to the outside world See example program

4 The Programming Process Time to consider the process involved in creating a program Define Visualize Tools – hierarchy chart, flowchart, or pseudocode Check Code, Save, and Compile Correct->Run->Test->Correct Validate

5 Hierarchy Charts: depicts the structure of a program, beginning with overall task and refining to subtasks Flowchart: diagram that shows the logical flow of programs Pseudocode: cross between human and programming language Get payroll data Calculate gross pay Display gross pay

6 Example Hierarchy Chart source: Starting out with C++, Gaddis, (2008)

7 Example Flow Chart source:

8 What is software engineering? Field of software engineering encompasses the whole process of crafting computer software Program Specs Charts and diagrams of screen output Hierarchy and flow charts Examples of expected input/output Software designed for testing programs

9 Procedural vs Object- Oriented Procedural programming – based on procdures (funtions in C++) that are made of programming statements that perform a specific task containing their own variables Object – oriented programming – based on creating objects that both contain information and the means to manipulate that information


11 The parts of a C++ program

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