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Kathy Sheriff, RN, BSNApplications of Therapeutic Services.

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1 Kathy Sheriff, RN, BSNApplications of Therapeutic Services

2  Framework and Support  Protection  Blood Cell Production or Hematopoiesis  Mineral (Calcium and Phosphorus)and Growth Factor Storage  Movement  *Sound Transduction  Triglyceride Storage  *Detoxification

3 CHARACTERISTICS  Hyaline—frosted glass  Elastic—stretchy  Fibrocartilage—highly compressible, strong EXAMPLES  Ends of bones, ribs— sternum, nose, and larynx  Ear and epiglottis  Knee and vertebrae

4  Long axis  Skull  Vertebral Column (7,12,5)  Rib cage (12-7/3/2)  Three main functions:  Protection  Support  Carrying body parts  Upper and lower limbs  Girdles  Two functions:  Locomotion  Interact with the environment

5  Classified as organs because contain different tissues  Bone markings—look at bones closely, bumps, holes, and ridges  Two types: Projections and Depressions or Cavities


7 bone-markings-flash-cards/ crest (ex iliac crest) (projections that are sites of muscle and ligament attachment) narrow ridge or bone; usually prominent

8 trochanter (the only examples are on the femur) (projections that are sites of muscle and ligament attachment) very large, blunt, irregularly shaped process

9 epicondyle (ex medial epicondyle of the femur) (projections that are sites of muscle and ligament attachment) raised area on or above a condyle

10 foramen (ex infraorbital foramen) (depressions and opening s for passage of blood vessels and nerves) round or oval opening through a bone

11 sinus (ex sinus in the frontal portion of skull) bone cavity, filled with air and lined with mucous membrane

12  Shaft--Diaphysis  Bone ends—Epiphyses  Epiphyseal Line  Membrane—Endosteum and Periosteum  Red and Yellow Marrow Page 119

13  Skeleton begins as cartilage  Ossification  Childhood and adolescence  Early adulthood thru middle age  After age 35  Anterior pituitary and growth hormone  Dwarfism  Giantism  Acromegaly


15  Osteoblasts  Osteoclasts  Continuous cycle  Regulated by parathyroid hormone, calcium- regulating hormones, sex hormones— estrogen and adrogen, vitamin D  20% replaced annually

16  Ball and Socket –shoulder and hip  Saddle—thumb  Hinge—knee, elbow, knuckle  Pivot—atlas and axis  Gliding—ankle, vertebrae  Ellipsoid—wrist


18 Vitamin D-calcium absorption  Deficiency=  Rickets  Osteomalacia Vitamin C-collagen formation (foundation of connective tissue) Deficiency=Scurvy



21  Hematoma Formation  Soft Callus Formation  Hard Callus Formation




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