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Making Your Dreams a Reality. Without going into a deep philosophical discussion on the subject of what is reality let it be sufficient to say that reality.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Your Dreams a Reality. Without going into a deep philosophical discussion on the subject of what is reality let it be sufficient to say that reality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Your Dreams a Reality

2 Without going into a deep philosophical discussion on the subject of what is reality let it be sufficient to say that reality is a product of your entire mental makeup. You can perceive a thing to be true and it becomes a difficult task to prove it differently. Your reality is uniquely yours. It is the synergetic sum of all you have studied and all you believe to be true – true or not. To a psychiatrist truth is what you can get past the reticular activation system in your medulla oblongata. Reality and truth are relative to each and every one of us. We will learn to live with this paradox and benefit by it.

3 Reality is really based on what we believe to be truth. Napoleon Hill said it best, “If you can conceive it, and believe it, you can achieve it.” Believe you can move a mountain and you can move a mountain. The problem for most people is they confuse wishing for and belief. Wishing for is passive whereas believing is pro active. By taking action you discover ways and means to achieve the focus of your belief. The how to follows the belief that you can do!

4 Reality is focused belief which triggers your mind to find ways to achieve a perceived idea or goal. In essence you have to believe it to be it. When you are convinced you can do something others start developing confidence that you really can. Belief triggers the power to do. Believing they could fly the Wright brothers convinced the world that we all could fly. Believing that he could develop a way to communicate over wires Alexander Grahm Bell invented the telephone which we all take for granted today. Vinton Cerf believed it and now we have the Internet.

5 Ok, so how do we use this to our advantage? Every great idea starts as an idea in someone's mind. Nature has designed us to have absolute control over what reaches our conscious mind. Our five senses each compete for our minds attention. The Reticular Activator System (RAS) at the brain stem is the control gate that decides what gets through to the conscious mind and what goes to the subconscious. All input goes to the subconscious but only the new important items get to see the boss. We learn how to present things to the RAS so that they gain high priority to the Conscious Mind.

6 In reality you are you and you are unique! The universe is blest because the unique you is in it. Together we make up a Master Mind of energy to achieve incredible sometimes unbelievable (to others) goals. John F. Kennedy said, “Before the Decade is out we shall put a man on the moon!” This was accomplished and more. Even though millions today still do not believe that it was really done. Doubters will always doubt and deny. But Believers will go on and continue to do and astonish the masses with deeds deemed impossible.

7 Go to file: Designing Your Own SuccessSuccess Overcoming the Causes of FailureFailure Making Your Dreams a RealityReality Brain Power the Esteem BuilderEsteem Attracting a Mentor Success GroupMentor Visualizing Reality, See it to Be it.Visualizing Eagle Listening Listening Imagineering for SolutionsSolutions Eagle Banking for Wealth BuildingWealth Eagle Relaxing Builds StaminaRelaxing Connecting with Fellow EaglesFellow Sharing the Eagle Wisdom with OthersSharing

8 Making Your Dreams a Reality

9 Without going into a deep philosophical discussion on the subject of what is reality let it be sufficient to say that reality is a product of your entire mental makeup. You can perceive a thing to be true and it becomes a difficult task to prove it differently. Your reality is uniquely yours. It is the synergetic sum of all you have studied and all you believe to be true – true or not. To a psychiatrist truth is what you can get past the reticular activation system in your medulla oblongata. Reality and truth are relative to each and every one of us. We will learn to live with this paradox and benefit by it.

10 Reality is really based on what we believe to be truth. Napoleon Hill said it best, “If you can conceive it, and believe it, you can achieve it.” Believe you can move a mountain and you can move a mountain. The problem for most people is they confuse wishing for and belief. Wishing for is passive whereas believing is pro active. By taking action you discover ways and means to achieve the focus of your belief. The how to follows the belief that you can do!

11 Reality is focused belief which triggers your mind to find ways to achieve a perceived idea or goal. In essence you have to believe it to be it. When you are convinced you can do something others start developing confidence that you really can. Belief triggers the power to do. Believing they could fly the Wright brothers convinced the world that we all could fly. Believing that he could develop a way to communicate over wires Alexander Grahm Bell invented the telephone which we all take for granted today. Vinton Cerf believed it and now we have the Internet.

12 Ok, so how do we use this to our advantage? Every great idea starts as an idea in someone's mind. Nature has designed us to have absolute control over what reaches our conscious mind. Our five senses each compete for our minds attention. The Reticular Activator System (RAS) at the brain stem is the control gate that decides what gets through to the conscious mind and what goes to the subconscious. All input goes to the subconscious but only the new important items get to see the boss. We learn how to present things to the RAS so that they gain high priority to the Conscious Mind.

13 In reality you are you and you are unique! The universe is blest because the unique you is in it. Together we make up a Master Mind of energy to achieve incredible sometimes unbelievable (to others) goals. John F. Kennedy said, “Before the Decade is out we shall put a man on the moon!” This was accomplished and more. Even though millions today still do not believe that it was really done. Doubters will always doubt and deny. But Believers will go on and continue to do and astonish the masses with deeds deemed impossible.

14 Syllabus of First Course Designing Your Own Success Success Overcoming the Causes of Failure Failure Making Your Dreams a Reality Reality Self Motivation the Esteem Builder Esteem Attracting a Mentor Success Group Mentor VisualizingVisualizing Reality, See it to Be it. Visualizing Positive Listening Listening ImagineeringImagineering for Solutions Imagineering Positive Banking for Wealth Building Wealth Positive Relaxing Builds Stamina Relaxing Connecting with Fellow Positive People Fellow SharingSharing the Positive Experience with Others Sharing MemoryMemory the keys Memory

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