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Topics Oral Presentation Skills Reading Skills Professional Image Communication Process Interpersonal Communication.

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2 Topics Oral Presentation Skills Reading Skills Professional Image Communication Process Interpersonal Communication


4 a. Planning your speech b. Putting your speech together c. Planning visual aids d. Rehearsing your speech and revising it Practice, Rehearse and Know Your Material!!

5 Planning your speech - define your purpose A general purpose  This can be t0 - inform/instruct  - persuade/convince  - entertain A specific purpose  This may be to accomplish a precise objective

6 You have just completed your final-year project and are required to make a presentation to your project supervisor and other lecturers. a)What is the general purpose of your presentation? To inform your supervisor about the progress of your project b)What is the specific purpose of your presentation? To get a distinction for your project

7 Planning your speech - Analyse your audience and speaking situation 1. Number: Is it a small or large group? 2. Age range: Children, youths, middle-aged adults or the elderly? 3. General interests: Is your audience interested in sports or making money? 4. Knowledge level: Basic, intermediate or advanced? 5. Social/educational background: Race, marital status, diploma or degree-holders? 6. Occupation: Blue or white collar workers? 7. Attitude to subject: Are they for it or against it?

8 Appeal to the audience Logical appeal Emotional Appeal Speaker Appeal

9 Putting Your Speech Together Identify your main ideas Research your topic thoroughly Organise your data and write your draft

10 VISUAL AIDS  Purpose of Using Visual Aids  Types of Visual Aids  Design of Visual Aids  Continuity  Contrast  Emphasis

11 Use of Visual Aids Never use a visual aid in front of an audience until you have rehearsed what you want to say about it. Make certain the aid helps the audience to understand your ideas. It should be simple, clear and readable. If the visual aid is self-explanatory, do not stop the flow of talk to explain. Continue talking while changing or handling aids..

12 Use of Visual Aids Speak loudly to compensate for the audience’s divided attention. Never stand directly between your audience and the visual aid. Always face the audience. Do not talk to your visuals. Use visuals in proper sequence. Display the aid only when you are ready to discuss it. Turn off the projection equipment when not in use.

13 DELIVERING YOUR SPEECH Verbal Non-verbal Handling Questions

14 Verbal Delivery Voice quality Pitch Rate Volume Pronunciation Transitions

15 Non-verbal Delivery Facial expressions Gestures Appearance Movement Posture

16 Handling Questions Prepare for questions Repeat the question Maintain your style Involve the audience in your answer Use the 25-75 rule

17 Handling Ad-hoc Presentations Time strategy Space strategy Magical Three strategy

18 Giving Criticism Be fair Be specific Acknowledge the positive Empathise with the other person's feelings Keep calm Keep to the point Focus on behaviour

19 Assignment 1: Making a Pitch (10 marks) Objectives: 1.To put into practice some tips on presentation skills, in particular, creating an attention-grabbing introduction; giving an impressive conclusion and having good voice/tone quality. 2.To build student’s confidence in speaking in front of an audience.

20 Assignment 1: Making a Pitch (10 marks) Description: 1. Work in pairs. Prepare a 2-minute pitch on one of the following that you would like to recommend to the audience:- (a) a movie or TV show (b) an event such as a concert, exhibition, musical etc. (c) a book/ magazine/ website (d) a computer application software /mobile phone app

21 Assignment 1: Making a Pitch (10 marks) Description: 2. To make your pitch and convince your audience about your choice, include: (a) an attention-grabbing introduction and ending. (b) important and interesting points about your item which set it apart from others. (c) a call to action. 3. No PowerPoint slides needed. 4. There should be fair presentation opportunities for each of the speakers in the pair.

22 Assignment 1: Making a Pitch (10 marks) Introduction No attention-grabbing strategy used/ Weak start with no clear statement of purpose and topic. Attempts to use an attention-grabbing strategy but not quite appealing. Excellent attention-grabbing strategy used. Clear statement of purpose and topic. Conclusion Presentation ends abruptly/ incompletely/ without attempt to make an impact. Close of presentation is signalled and some attempt to make an appeal, though not impactful enough. Impressive, memorable ending. Clear final appeal.

23 Assignment 1: Making a Pitch (10 marks) Content Ideas and information are poorly presented with little attempt to make it convincing and interesting. Ideas and information are relevant though can be presented more concisely and in a more convincing manner. Ideas and information are concise, interesting and convincing. Verbal Delivery Voice is too soft or often mumbled. Monotonous tone which is not engaging. Speaks fairly well though a bit unconfident and tone tends to be monotonous at times. Speaks fluently and effectively. Confident, captivating and engaging.

24 Assignment 1: Making a Pitch (10 marks) Body Language No or little eye contact with audience, uses no or distracting gestures and movements. Maintains eye contact with some in the audience. Some nervous gestures and movements. Consistent eye contact with entire audience with purposeful natural gestures. Confident posture.

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