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FACS 56 life management money management— budget & credit.

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Presentation on theme: "FACS 56 life management money management— budget & credit."— Presentation transcript:

1 FACS 56 life management money management— budget & credit

2 money management— allocating now you are ready to match future income to future expenditures—budgeting goal: monthly spending plan (budget) that meets all your expenses this is a dynamic process—may require movement between steps until all needs are met within resource limits

3 money management— allocating FIRST: calculate amount of fixed expenses NEXT: review status of emergency fund—PYF could you survive for 6 months without income? THEN: evaluate spending on variable expenses

4 money management— allocating variable expenses— a little give an take may be necessary is there money here that could be used differently? are you getting what you really need? is a vacation more important that weekends at the movies? is it worth giving up new carpeting to get a new car? are your needs for insurance and retirement being adequately met? allocate money based on goals, values & priorities

5 participation activity: analyze and allocate pgs. 285-288 …starting on page 285, read all the information and answer the questions according to the information you have gathered for the Add it Up activity …using figure 14-4 on page 288, create a monthly budget form that is customized to meet your particular needs …this activity and your completed budget is due April 25 th in Packet #3

6 money management— adjusting your plan like any plan a budget needs adjusting may have forgotten something may have under- or overestimated an item your expenses and income will change keep an eye out for feedback and adjust accordingly

7 planning for the future look at figure 14-2 no matter how old you are, you can always be thinking about planning for future… what does your future include?

8 credit cost of credit

9 credit best creditors?

10 credit which card is best for your situation?

11 credit credit score

12 credit— rights & responsibilities used wisely can be more of a benefit than a burden understanding your rights & responsibilities helps you to make wise choices

13 special issues during your life life events have a way of coming upon us predictable: meeting the needs of growing children supporting education for teens after high school unpredictable divorce remarriage child support

14 special issues during your life other situations we could also anticipate: caring for elderly parents planning for retirement life as a single elder

15 participation activity: credit card caper & debt load analysis pgs. 287-292 …read all the valuable information provided on pgs. 287-289 referring figure 14-5 on pg. 290 as well …complete the worksheets on pgs. 291 & 292 in order to complete your own debt load analysis

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