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Presentation on theme: " SEE-GRID-SCI WRF – ARW application: Overview The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEE-GRID-SCI WRF – ARW application: Overview The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no. 211338 PSC03, 15.-16. January 2009, Bucharest Davor Davidovic Rudjer Boskovic Institute Zagreb, Croatia

2 PSC03, 15-16 January 2009, Bucharest2 WRF-ARW partnersPartners Partners involved in WRF-ARW grid deployment  Rudjer Boskovic Institute (RBI)  Department of Geophysics University of Zagreb, Croatia (AMGI)  Faculty of Graphical Art of the University of Zagreb, Croatia (FGA)  University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (UoBL)  Federal Hydro-Meteorological Institute, Sarajevo, BiH (FHMI)  Hydro-meteorological Institute of Republic of Srpska, BiH (RHMI)  Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association (GRENA)

3 PSC03, 15-16 January 2009, Bucharest3 Objectives Tehnical objectives  Port the WRF/ARW model to the grid including pre-processing and post-processing.  Run model on very fine resolution  Develop a (quasi-)operationally deterministic forecast chain over the Balkans focused for the needs of Bosnia Herzegovina.  Increase the user community

4 PSC03, 15-16 January 2009, Bucharest4 Partners role in the project RBI  Coordination and leading development of application  Porting model to grid, fine-tunning AMGI  Model development and testing FGA  Inspecting post-processing possibilities (visualization) UoBL  Porting model to grid and fine-tuning FHMI  Developing and testing RHMI  Testing, know-how of using model – deployment of operational model GRENA  Testing, know-how of using model

5 PSC03, 15-16 January 2009, Bucharest5 Progress Dynamic application libraries and binaries has been built – WRF version (supporting both OpenMP and MPI) using ifort compiler version 9.1 Deployed application on UI nodes ( and storage element ( Start model locally (on local clusters using MPICH) Start model on grid using one WN (on one CPU, 64bit CE) Try first runs on grid using 4 CPUs Start working on the script for running the model on the grid (automatization of process for submitting the model and collecting data from distance SE to CE) Organize training event for meteorologists (grid basics and WRF model) Bulit and run pre-processing (WPS) on grid

6 PSC03, 15-16 January 2009, Bucharest6 FHMI progress Compile WRF ARW model (version with PGI Fortran compiler Run model on in cluster environment with 4 CPUs using MPICH2 and on one node on SEEGRID-SCI site at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo (BA-03- ETFSA). Working on running WRF ARW model with MPICH2 library on all nodes on the BA-03-ETFSA site.

7 PSC03, 15-16 January 2009, Bucharest7 RHMI progress At first time, RHMI Banja Luka and FHI Sarajevo installed numerical weather model – WRF-ARW version (in October 2008) Nowadays, RHMI BL is testing model (WPS, ARWpost, GrADS…) and providing the support in equipment for operational weather forecast model They are planning to run other models, like WRF/NMM and Eta slope Next step: run WRF-ARW model on Grid using cluster in UoBl

8 PSC03, 15-16 January 2009, Bucharest8 Action points till next PSC Finish porting to the grid’s storage elements binaries and input static data(geo_data) – M11 Finish scripts for automatisation of starting model on grid infrastructure (collecting all data and binaries) – M11 Tune application for start on multiple WN (using MPI) – M10 Finish research mode of WRF-ARW application (ready for use for research purposes till the M12) - M12

9 PSC03, 15-16 January 2009, Bucharest9 Discussion 1. Final decision which binaries to use (32 or 64bit), INTEL (free license) or PGI 2. File scheme on storage, physical organization of all WRF binaries and other file and libs, which storage elements to use (which are the best for us) 3. Should we pre-process geo_data (geogrid.exe in WPS)?  Should every partner prepare geo_data for his scope of interest and store them at the same place? (better sharing data) 4. Uniform naming for all files and data (to be the same for every partner to avoid collision of data and files)? 5. Dedicided CE elements for WRF – inspection? 6. Funcionality of scripts for starting model? 1. Copy to/from SE elements directly or UI, changing parameters – namelist.input, met_data 2. WPS and ARW – one or two scripts?

10 PSC03, 15-16 January 2009, Bucharest10 Discussion 7. Allocation of work among partners: 1. Making scripts for model starting on grid 2. Preparation of input geo_data (met_data) – uploading on SE 3. Testing for best working nodes/CE – ex. fast WN interconnection

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