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Back to School Night! Michael London CBS Mathematics Dept. February 5, 2014 Algebra 2/Trig.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night! Michael London CBS Mathematics Dept. February 5, 2014 Algebra 2/Trig."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night! Michael London CBS Mathematics Dept. February 5, 2014 Algebra 2/Trig

2 Agenda Welcome/Introduction Curriculum Homework Notes Tests/ Quizzes Grades Parent Contact

3 Basic Facts Moved to Bucks County in 2 nd grade and has lived here ever since Titus -2 nd Mill Creek – 3 rd to 6 th Unami – 7 th to 9th CB South Class of 2010 Alum Graduated from Millersville University in May 2014 Previously taught in Manheim Township School District in Lancaster County

4 Curriculum Unit 1: Powers, Roots, & Radicals Unit 2: Quadratic Equations Unit 3: Rational Equations & Functions Unit 4: Parent Graphs Unit 5: Higher Order Polynomials Unit 6: Simplifying and Graphing Rational Functions Unit 7: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Unit 8: Sequences and Series and Probability and Analysis Unit 9: Trigonometry

5 Homework Assigned daily Posted ONLINE as well as in class Helps students practice the topics covered each class Graded/checked for COMPLETION (4 points) Students can receive 2 points if they show the homework by the day of the test Homework answers are checked first thing every class

6 Notes Either handwritten in notebooks or filled in on a worksheet Notes are taken daily in addition to any activities completed in class Annotated notes/presentations can be found on my website immediately after class Open-notes quizzes can be given, students should keep a clean and organized notebook

7 Tests/Quizzes Each unit will have at least ONE (1) Quiz and a final unit Test Quizzes are taken individually, with a partner, or with open-notes Quizzes are usually announced at least a day or two in advance (some unannounced) Tests are always announced at least 3 classes in advance

8 Retake Policy CB West Retake Policy Students received a handout on first day. File available on my website. Only allowed one retake for the semester and can get up to a 70%

9 Grading Policy (Algebra 2/Trig) Tests/Quizzes (80%) Tests (60-100 points each) Quizzes (range from 30-50 points each) Activities/Projects (varies) Final Grade is converted to the district grading scale. FINAL GRADE= 1 st MP + 2 nd MP +Final Exam/Assessment 40% 40% 20% 40% 40% 20% Classwork/Homework (20%) Classwork/Homework (4 points each when graded for completion) Will accept late homework up until day of the test for half credit (2 points) Warmup/Exit Activities

10 Extra Help I am available after school for extra help.. Please do not worry if you do not love math. I am happy to help your son / or daughter with all math concepts. All your student has to do is ask!

11 Contact Information Email: Website: http:// http://

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