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1 Globalization and Globalization and Global Society Course Supervisor: Dr. Rong-yang Huang Dr. Rong-yang Huang.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Globalization and Globalization and Global Society Course Supervisor: Dr. Rong-yang Huang Dr. Rong-yang Huang."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Globalization and Globalization and Global Society Course Supervisor: Dr. Rong-yang Huang Dr. Rong-yang Huang

2 2 Outline Agenda One Agenda One Agenda Two Agenda Two Agenda Three Agenda Three Globalization and You Globalization and Globalism Is There a “Global Society”?

3 3 Globalization and You

4 4 “…a process that embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions, generating transcontinental or interregional flows and networks of activity, interaction, and power.” (Held & McGrew, 1999) What globalization is?

5 5 It is not a single process but involves four distinct types of “change”: 1. Stretches (social, political, economic activities across political frontier, regions, and continents.) 2. Intensified (our dependence on each other, as flows of trade, migration and culture increase.) 3. Speeds up (the world. Including ideas, goods, information, capital and people.) 4. Deeper (distant events have a deeper impact on our lives.)

6 6 What globalization is?

7 7

8 8

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10 10 What globalization is?

11 11 What globalization is?

12 12 What globalization is?

13 13 A “big idea” or cliché? Can we give it more precisely? Interconnectedness of everybody? The absence of hierarchies in global networks? What limits on the power of government? What role of individual will be? What globalization is?

14 14 From government to governance model Governance model transition State-centric world Multi-centric world Global change flow Government model governance model

15 15 Integration Fragmentation Authority Global governance : inclusive words

16 16 (J. Rosenau, 2000) Changing patterns of global life Micro Macro Changing patterns of global order Individual actor Global governance flow

17 17 Globalization is a paradox Fragmegration = Fragmentation Fragmegration = Fragmentation + Integration + Integration Globalization is a reasonable paradox Globalization is a reasonable paradox Glocalization or global localism Glocalization or global localism

18 18 Yes, it ’ s you!

19 19 Globalization at risk?

20 20 Governance dilemma

21 21 * Democracy deficit: Who is participating in? Who is participating in? Who should take Who should take responsibility? responsibility? * Global inequality: Ungovernable  Ungovernable  regime change regime change

22 22 Globalization and Globalism

23 23 Globalization: 1. an objective process 2. the world is “compressing” Globalism: 1. a subjective thought 2. a global “consciousness” is needed

24 24 A gift or curse from the West ?

25 25 Westernization ? Americanization ?

26 26 How to judge globalism? Global interdependences and movements Global interdependences and movements Are the poor getting poorer? Are the poor getting poorer? Global justice and the bargaining problem Global justice and the bargaining problem Altering global arrangements Altering global arrangements Institutions and inequality Institutions and inequality Fair sharing of global opportunities Fair sharing of global opportunities

27 27 Karen A. Mingst Global common issues or risks ? Global governance creation Global society ? Is it the same as International society ? Vague concepts

28 28 Is There a “Global Society”?

29 29 Governance Transition Governance that is global Governance in the global Where are we now ? Do we have the constitution of global civil society ?

30 30 The fact is….. Cultural differences continue to matter. Cultural differences continue to matter. Incompatible between globalized cultural standards and local standards  “ decoupling ” : you talk the talk, but you do not walk the walk. Incompatible between globalized cultural standards and local standards  “ decoupling ” : you talk the talk, but you do not walk the walk. Hybrid cultures ( ‘ Glocalized ’ cultures) are the likely result. Hybrid cultures ( ‘ Glocalized ’ cultures) are the likely result.

31 31 The linkage of regime and governance regim e Global governance Institutional linkages Regimes network

32 32 To be continue …… To be continue ……

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