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Every Can Counts Save a Cup - AGM 11 th February 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Every Can Counts Save a Cup - AGM 11 th February 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Every Can Counts Save a Cup - AGM 11 th February 2010

2 Every Can Counts Overview

3 Background Over 8 billion drinks cans sold in the UK each year Around 50% are currently recycled Estimated 30% of drink cans are consumed “away from home”* Aluminium 30,000 tonnes (1.9 billion cans) Steel 12,000 tonnes (384 million cans) “Captive Cans”! Government and Industry priority to boost recovery levels *source NOP survey January 2008.

4 Industry-led programme Project Partners: Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation (Alupro). The UK Canmakers Beverage Can Makers Europe (BCME) Corus Novelis WRAP Programme Managed by Alupro

5 The programme All beverage cans Brand – Every Can Counts Focused regional programme Targeted national accounts University, Beach & Festival programme Proactive communications programme

6 Support for the Champion: Webshop General information Downloadable resources for communications Screensaver Posters Buttons Competitions E-zines

7 Achievements 131 organisations recruited 491 actual sites/locations Significant signings National multi-site retailer National retailer depot/warehouse trial Several well know brand companies Fire service 1828 ECC boxes distributed

8 ECC Customers

9 Every Can Counts Partnership with Save a Cup

10 Why is Save A Cup supporting Every Can Counts? Natural extension to existing services Members also vend cans Customers are asking about cans Support customers recycling and environmental initiatives Adds value to services already offered Wider range of materials Generates revenue!

11 What’s in it for your customers? Easy to implement high profile initiative which is supported by Government Easy to access advice and support to make it happen! Save a Cup Alupro Free starter pack Access to communication and collection materials

12 Save a Cup – WM Van Trial

13 Save-a-Cup Adopters!

14 Communication & Marketing

15 Maintaining Support for Save a Cup DataTotals Number of SAC ‘B, DY, WV, WS, CV, NG, LE, DE & Scotland postcode customers333 Signed up to ECC (out of 259 spoken to)64 Customers who have declined (out of 259 spoken to)79 Number of employees at the 64 signed up sites9531 64 sites signed up by Alupro to the SAC/ECC trial 89 sites signed in total Work with SAC to increase revenue from cans collected Alupro to trail a new area with ECC and SAC existing customers i.e: South East

16 Contact details Jane Carver Programme Manager Alupro Tel: 01527 597757 Mobile: 07748 843303

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