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Possessive Nouns. Write it as a possessive noun. the book that belongs to Harry.

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Presentation on theme: "Possessive Nouns. Write it as a possessive noun. the book that belongs to Harry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possessive Nouns

2 Write it as a possessive noun. the book that belongs to Harry

3 Possessive Noun Harry’s book

4 Write it as a possessive noun. the shoes that belong to Sarah

5 Possessive Noun Sarah’s shoes

6 Write it as a possessive noun. the television that belongs to Doug

7 Possessive Noun Doug’s television

8 Write it as a possessive noun. the treehouse that belongs to the boys

9 Possessive Noun the boys’ treehouse

10 Write it as a possessive noun. the dance class that belongs to the girls

11 Possessive Noun the girls’ dance class

12 Write it as a possessive noun. the lamp that belongs to Juanita

13 Possessive Noun Juanita’s lamp

14 Possessive Nouns

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